I don't know how many times those stupid things have gotten stuck halfway down on me. They're supposed to fit in a 1 1/4th inch hole, plainly advertised by the "1 1/4th" label on the top of the slug. They don't go in without a fight. And of course they go in just halfway, then you have to beat on them with a hammer, then the stupid thing splits in half, then you have to cut it off and drill it out, and try it AGAIN. The slugs we make go in tough, but they always go in on the first try and stay in, and they don't even have vent slits. Of course if I sand the hole out to make it bigger before jamming the slug in, it goes in easier, but it creates extra work and more importantly extra time to take it off the press, hammer it in, put it back on the press, line it up again, and then go for it, and that's assuming the slug doesn't crack and I don't have to drill it out and replace it. Sometimes that extra 10 minutes is just too much when there are customers in the shop that either want something or feel the need to ask about every single ball on the wall and end up taking at least a half hour of your time, just to say "thanks" and walk out the door. I like how the Turbo's feel, but man they're a waste of time, effort, material, and half a dozen other things.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.
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