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Author Topic: I have a very big thumb and use the IT thumb system how does that effect the weightblock?  (Read 3012 times)


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I know drilling some thumb slugs you drill into the weightblock, so with my big thumb using the IT system, am I drilling too much of the weight block out of the ball and negatively effecting the dynamics of the weightblock?  





Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


Edited by Nicanor on 2/4/2011 at 8:10 AM


Edited by Nicanor on 2/4/2011 at 8:10 AM


Edited by Nicanor on 2/4/2011 at 8:12 AM


Edited by Nicanor on 2/4/2011 at 8:13 AM
Edited by Nicanor on 2/4/2011 at 8:14 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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 The owner of the proshop I bowl out of has a gigantic thumb and has had it since it came out.  He has not had any issuses with any of his gear


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Well, if a weighthole an inch in diameter drilled an inch or more into a core can change the rg and diff numbers slightly, the effect of drilling a larger, deeper hole than for a normal thumb slug could theoretically increase the change.  But honestly, the hole isn't that much deeper, and there isn't a significantly larger amount of core that gets drilled out for the IT to be installed.  Theoretically, yes, it could affect it, but I'm willing to bet you wouldn't notice the difference if you drilled two balls, one with just a slug, and one with the IT.  Just the placement of where the extra is being taken out alone should minimize the difference, if any, that the IT might cause. 

That's just like, your opinion, man.

Cobalt Bomb

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I'd be willing to bet that using a removable thumb actually increases the dynamics of the ball, especially a symmetric core, as the thumb is where the actual PSA usually ends up.

Edited by Cobalt Bomb on 2/6/2011 at 1:55 PM


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Yes, but I said it using reasoning and from experience with drilling the thumbs, and without the insulting tone.  I don't believe he was trying to make some big case out of nothing, I think he was just curious.

The Omnipotent wrote on 2/6/2011 11:58 AM:

 Exactly what I was saying, only using a lot less words.  You ain't going to notice the difference.

HamPster wrote on 2/6/2011 8:32 AM:

Well, if a weighthole an inch in diameter drilled an inch or more into a core can change the rg and diff numbers slightly, the effect of drilling a larger, deeper hole than for a normal thumb slug could theoretically increase the change.  But honestly, the hole isn't that much deeper, and there isn't a significantly larger amount of core that gets drilled out for the IT to be installed.  Theoretically, yes, it could affect it, but I'm willing to bet you wouldn't notice the difference if you drilled two balls, one with just a slug, and one with the IT.  Just the placement of where the extra is being taken out alone should minimize the difference, if any, that the IT might cause. 

That's just like, your opinion, man.




"Stupid is as stupid does.  And you sure do a lot!"

That's just like, your opinion, man.


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I know we have short and tall weightblocks and I would think there is less a chance to hit the weightblock in a short weightblock ball.  But what about a tall weightblock ball?


Also, if a ball is drilled with pin above, is it less likely to hit the weightblock?  If the pin is drilled below or Rico can you hit more of the weightblock?


If balance holes positioning effect the bowling ball, wouldn't the amount of weight you take out the bottom of the weighthole effect the ball?  No necessarily less, but possible more as stated above in another post?



I have a very large thumb and use the larger size IT system.  So if the size of that large hole hitting the weightblock has no or little effect on the bowling ball?  Maybe  on bowling balls that have a puck weightblock or a small weightblock like in the T-Road series, but bowling balls that have a tall weightblock like the Reign series, I would think changes the dynamics of the ball. Not necessarily negatively.





Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Cobalt Bomb

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Nic, I think I can sum up the responses so far by saying:

1) Yes it does affect ball reaction.

2) This could be demonstrated by comparing identical drillings on identical balls with/without an interchangeable thumb on a Determinator.

3) Some posters feel that most of us would not likely notice that difference and that worrying about this is much less important than the overall feel of the grip, as well as the usefulness of an interchangeable thumb system.

4) To answer your latest question, of course the amount of change caused would depend on the shape/density of the core, and its placement relative to the gripping holes, as it does even without an interchangeable thumb.


Basically, if you like using an interchangeable thumb, do so, and don't overly concern yourself with the effect on the ball reaction. Just make adjustments to your layouts, surfaces, balance hole placement and ball selection based on what you see with the interchangeable thumb.


Hope this helps,




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I have a large thumb also and use the large It. When i converted any of my existing balls with a conventional slug over to the It there was no noticeable change of ball reaction in any of them.

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Thank you for the positive feedback. 


I don't like to use tape, two max, one front one back.  So Raiderh20boy made me four IT thumb slugs.  My thumb shrinks the more I bowl so rather than add and subtract tape, I just change thumb inserts.  The insert system is working out tremendously and Raiderh20boy was perfect in the fit of the slugs.  I've changed about 10 bowling balls and it seems like the Agent Orange picked up a lot more back end after the change.  That was one reason I was wondering about the effect the IT system has on the dynamics of the ball.



Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Thanks for the props!!!

I wonder if........ because of the size!....... its acting like a Mo "Double thumb" for adding dynamics??????

Use "IT" and BOWL UP A STORM!!

Cobalt Bomb

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I'm going to speculate based on what I have seen that, for symmetric cores, the "bomb" cores have a relatively strong PSA, and the ones I have drilled seem to resolve around the thumb. Knowing that putting a hole on the PSA of an asym increases the reaction, perhaps the larger thumb  is causing what you are seeing. The proof would be a before/after on a determinatior and measuring spin times.

Nicanor wrote on 2/7/2011 9:12 AM:
Thank you for the positive feedback. 


I don't like to use tape, two max, one front one back.  So Raiderh20boy made me four IT thumb slugs.  My thumb shrinks the more I bowl so rather than add and subtract tape, I just change thumb inserts.  The insert system is working out tremendously and Raiderh20boy was perfect in the fit of the slugs.  I've changed about 10 bowling balls and it seems like the Agent Orange picked up a lot more back end after the change.  That was one reason I was wondering about the effect the IT system has on the dynamics of the ball.



Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Dan Belcher

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Perhaps part of the difference is simply that you're getting out of the ball cleaner since your thumb fits better, and therefore you're getting a little extra rotation? 

Nicanor wrote on 2/7/2011 9:12 AM:
I've changed about 10 bowling balls and it seems like the Agent Orange picked up a lot more back end after the change.  That was one reason I was wondering about the effect the IT system has on the dynamics of the ball.