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Author Topic: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?  (Read 7860 times)


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I will try not to make this long and boring as I know I will be eaten alive be the trolls on here but I am suffering from a bad case of what I think I could call bowling burnout..

Just a little history. I have been bowling for almost 40 years straight. In leagues for as long as I remember both summer and fall. I am 46 now and started bowling at age 6. I presently bowl in a Monday league with my wife, a travel league every other Sunday and then sub on occasion during the week. I also practice on the Sunday I don't bowl travel league. My average is 215-220 on a THS and 207 in my travel league.

Bowling is basically all I do now that I have my almost 2 year old daughter. I love being the best dad I can be and spending time with her. The problem is this: I have having ZERO fun anymore when I bowl. I am feeling it might be time to either take a long term break from this sport I love or just hang up the shoes forever. I have tried everything to make it fun again but its just not working. I am sure I am no fun to my team mates either.

As a lot of people also know on here that have bought from me, I buy and sell a lot of bowling equipment as I like to try the new stuff as much as I can. I am also on this site everyday and basically around bowling in some sorts everyday.

I then went out last night and laid the biggest egg of a series in almost 10 years, maybe longer. I was just absolutely lost beyond belief and felt like a beginner bowler. It was one of the most embarrassing nights for me ever. It was like I forgot to bowl and then of course my carry was absolutely horrible. Its not just the way I bowled last night that has me feeling this way, I have been feeling this way for almost 6 months now. Last night was just the icing on the cake and really made me start thinking I need to do something.

Over the years I have met a lot of great people here on and was hoping you guys could share some things you have tried if have ever suffered from bowling burnout like me.

Also, please don't bash me on this. I am already feeling pretty beat up right now so if you don't have anything positive to say, please move on..

Thanks in advance for any positive comments you might have.

JIm K.
My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Roto Grip.. King of Them All!!

Storm ain''t so bad either!! LOL

Edited on 3/3/2009 7:47 AM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!



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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 06:15:39 AM »
I didn't for 5 years and I'm only 23..when I turned 18 I stopped and since I played was gonna play bball in college I couldn't really move up to have better competition.. it also just wasn't fun anymore I was bowling 5 days a week on 5 leagues.. it felt like a job..


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 06:32:46 AM »
Bad series probably due to bad timing. That's the way it is with me. Last week shot 682 then 502 then 699. The 502 night my timing was bad and I couldn't correct it. So I wouldn't worry about having one bad night. Might want to take a week or two off and see if your happier not bowling.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 06:40:01 AM »
I have no clue what was going on last night but it was not fun at all. Like I mentioned in my original post, last night's horrible performance was not the only reason I posted this, I have been feeling this way for 6 months or so, last night just really made me take a step back and think about things.. Most of my friends I bowl with are improving there game and for me, that's not the case.

thanks for your comment..

Bad series probably due to bad timing. That's the way it is with me. Last week shot 682 then 502 then 699. The 502 night my timing was bad and I couldn't correct it. So I wouldn't worry about having one bad night. Might want to take a week or two off and see if your happier not bowling.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.

My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Roto Grip.. King of Them All!!

Storm ain't so bad either!! LOL

Edited on 3/3/2009 7:44 AM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 06:50:46 AM »
Thanks for your comment but I have no health issues that I know of and I don't drink so that's not the issue. I have other interests just not much time to do anything else with my baby girl, job and trying to keep my wife happy. LOL!!

Bowling is basically all I do now  

I'd first get a physical checkup.  Then expand your horizons by getting interested in another which you can do at home.  If you drink, even socially, try and quit.  At least in my case, after a number of years, it worked to suppress my bowling "drive".  Good luck!

My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Roto Grip.. King of Them All!!

Storm ain't so bad either!! LOL

Edited on 3/3/2009 7:51 AM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2009, 06:52:13 AM »

I think you are a bit burnt out.  It does not matter about the one bad night or multiple bad nights.  What I see as a concern is not having any fun anymore.  I have found that I get this way especially this time of year.  Spring is around the corner and bowling just does not seem as important.  That is why I play golf also.  What I would suggest is take some time away from the game this summer.  Once leagues are over just put the equipment up for the summer.  I am planning to do this myself this summer. Sometimes getting away form the game does restore the desire that you have had.  It will also give you the time you need and want to spend with your daughter (btw I cant blame you there either).  I found that once I had children my priorities changed alot.  That may be what you are going thru right now.


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 06:54:49 AM »
Take a couple of years off.  Then, about the time you may be ready to bowl again, your daughter will be old enough to bowl with you.  If it isn't fun then, sharing the game with your little girl, then you'll know it's time to hang up the shoes forever.

I've taken a year off a few times, mostly recently.  I've bowled 2 on 1 off for the last several years.  I just can't stay as interested as I once was.  Right now, I'm only bowling short non-sanctioned leagues.  Not really enjoying those as much as I should either, but you can't find a 12-16 week sanctioned, competitive league on tougher lane patterns over winter when I would really like it (Nov 1 to March 1 would be perfect - hint to any owners out there).  But no, we only get those in the summer when I'd rather be on the lake and have zero interest being indoors for anything...


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2009, 07:03:25 AM »
Time to take a break my friend. You need a vacation from bowling. It's why I don't touch a bowling ball during the summers anymore because bowling year round over a gazillion years became a grind. Take some time off, sub from time to time and take the kids to the lanes for some fun bowling. I think you will find when you take a break from the "competitve grind" bowling will become enjoyable again.
"I don't want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten"

Edited on 3/3/2009 3:30 PM


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2009, 07:04:21 AM »

If it was me I wouldn't bowl this summer take it off and bowl next fall maybe one league just to get out of the house one night a week.  

Take up golf that will drive you nuts more than bowling.  



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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2009, 07:14:59 AM »
If you aren't having any fun anymore, then its definitely time to take a step  back and maybe take some time off from bowling.  

I think I'm heading towards the same thing.  Most league nights, the only reason I have fun is the guys that I bowl with are a great bunch of guys.  My bowling hasn't been even decent lately and I struggle to even shoot 550.  I'll get something figured out for a few frames then it goes away.

At the beginning of my summer league last year I was definitely getting into bowling burnout.  Figured I bowl the summer league, since I had already committed to it, and then take the winter off.  Started bowling ok in the start of the league and then went nuts the last 8 weeks, averaging close to 230.  Thought I had things figured out and felt really good going into the winter league.  I have had one good night since September and that was because I shot 299.

Its just getting to the point that its not fun anymore for me either.  Sounds like you and I might just both need to do the same thing Jim and take some time off.

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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2009, 07:59:33 AM »
While I have never reached your level of bowling, I very recently was ready to hang it up.  I actually was struggling with the idea of doing so on and off for the past 2 or so years.  This is my 31st year with no time off summer or winter.

I got to the point I was bowling like a beginner, shooting a couple sub 400 sets.  I happened to meet my first coach from back in the early '80s.  We were talking and I told him I hated bowling and was in all probability done at the end of the season.  He asked me to meet with him during one of his practice sessions and get a lane next to him.  I did so and he found the beginning problem, extremely late timing.

Anyhow, long story shortened, I also changed my focus from scoring to execution.  I took one thing at a time and that is the focus for the night, week, set, whatever.  I am now more relaxed and actually having fun again.  By focusing on execution, my scores are actually getting slowly better - no more sub 400s and the low games are getting higher.  Others have noticed the change and I have had many positive comments.

Just my story.  It may not work for you and taking time off to spend with family may be your solution, you will know in your heart what it will take.  I wish you the best in whatever it may be.
USBC Bronze Coach

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"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2009, 08:56:14 AM »
Thanks to everyone taking time to make a comment..

I obviously have to finish my fall league and travel league commitment for this year and then I think I am leaning towards taking a break for awhile to re-focus and re-evaluate. I will then have time to spend some quality time with my daughter and then after that break (however long it takes) get back into bowling and maybe learn to enjoy it again.. I have thought about doing this in the past but I think this time I must do it or I am going to hate the game forever.

Until I can learn to have fun again, its just not worth it anymore.. I do know I will miss the people I bowl with much more then the game itself..
My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Roto Grip.. King of Them All!!

Storm ain't so bad either!! LOL

Edited on 3/3/2009 10:11 AM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!

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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2009, 09:05:37 AM »

If it was me I wouldn't bowl this summer take it off and bowl next fall maybe one league just to get out of the house one night a week.  

Take up golf that will drive you nuts more than bowling.  


I agree with Scott. Take the summer off and bowl the one league with you wife in the fall so you two are doing something together...
Visionary Test Staffer 08/09

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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2009, 09:28:56 AM »

My advice is to focus less on scores and the outcome of each night, and focus more on relaxing and having fun. When bowling ceases to be "recreation" it becomes like work. The expectations of others around you shouldn't matter either.  

Maybe scale it back a little if you need to, but I suspect if your outlook changes and it becomes fun again things will fall back into place. One thing I can attest to (after having been where you are) is that when I'm happy, and less critical of myself, and having fun bowling, the scores tend to take care of themselves.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2009, 09:31:26 AM »
IMO, take the summer off completely.  At the end of the summer evaluate your desire to bowl.  If it's still not there take the next winter and summer seasons off also.  If you start to get the urge again, try subbing once in a while.  By that next winter season I'll bet you're ready to get back in again.  --  JohnP