While I have never reached your level of bowling, I very recently was ready to hang it up. I actually was struggling with the idea of doing so on and off for the past 2 or so years. This is my 31st year with no time off summer or winter.
I got to the point I was bowling like a beginner, shooting a couple sub 400 sets. I happened to meet my first coach from back in the early '80s. We were talking and I told him I hated bowling and was in all probability done at the end of the season. He asked me to meet with him during one of his practice sessions and get a lane next to him. I did so and he found the beginning problem, extremely late timing.
Anyhow, long story shortened, I also changed my focus from scoring to execution. I took one thing at a time and that is the focus for the night, week, set, whatever. I am now more relaxed and actually having fun again. By focusing on execution, my scores are actually getting slowly better - no more sub 400s and the low games are getting higher. Others have noticed the change and I have had many positive comments.
Just my story. It may not work for you and taking time off to spend with family may be your solution, you will know in your heart what it will take. I wish you the best in whatever it may be.
USBC Bronze Coach "I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

I am a proud member of BallReviews.com and BowlingBoards.com Bowling Forums