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Author Topic: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?  (Read 7859 times)


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I will try not to make this long and boring as I know I will be eaten alive be the trolls on here but I am suffering from a bad case of what I think I could call bowling burnout..

Just a little history. I have been bowling for almost 40 years straight. In leagues for as long as I remember both summer and fall. I am 46 now and started bowling at age 6. I presently bowl in a Monday league with my wife, a travel league every other Sunday and then sub on occasion during the week. I also practice on the Sunday I don't bowl travel league. My average is 215-220 on a THS and 207 in my travel league.

Bowling is basically all I do now that I have my almost 2 year old daughter. I love being the best dad I can be and spending time with her. The problem is this: I have having ZERO fun anymore when I bowl. I am feeling it might be time to either take a long term break from this sport I love or just hang up the shoes forever. I have tried everything to make it fun again but its just not working. I am sure I am no fun to my team mates either.

As a lot of people also know on here that have bought from me, I buy and sell a lot of bowling equipment as I like to try the new stuff as much as I can. I am also on this site everyday and basically around bowling in some sorts everyday.

I then went out last night and laid the biggest egg of a series in almost 10 years, maybe longer. I was just absolutely lost beyond belief and felt like a beginner bowler. It was one of the most embarrassing nights for me ever. It was like I forgot to bowl and then of course my carry was absolutely horrible. Its not just the way I bowled last night that has me feeling this way, I have been feeling this way for almost 6 months now. Last night was just the icing on the cake and really made me start thinking I need to do something.

Over the years I have met a lot of great people here on and was hoping you guys could share some things you have tried if have ever suffered from bowling burnout like me.

Also, please don't bash me on this. I am already feeling pretty beat up right now so if you don't have anything positive to say, please move on..

Thanks in advance for any positive comments you might have.

JIm K.
My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Roto Grip.. King of Them All!!

Storm ain''t so bad either!! LOL

Edited on 3/3/2009 7:47 AM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!



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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2009, 09:47:56 AM »
I know exactly what you're talking about. I have had this feeling for the last 3 years. The place I bowl at puts out a very tough shot on the left side and  if you aren't a high rev guy (I'm not) you won't score real well. It has taken the fun out of it for me. I have bowled in this league for nearly 20 years. My friends all bowl in it. But, even with them being there I find myself very unhappy. Some nights I'm so lethargic I wish I wasn't there and even find myself snapping on some guys of them if they make a comment that sets me off. I had missed a few weeks and last week I was back and couldn't have been more unhappy. On another note this year I began bowling at a new center. The shot is not easy but if I throw the ball right I'm around the pocket. I knew a few of the guys in the league (but not close friends) and have made many new ones. Even on the nights I have not bowled as well as I liked, I still look forward to the next week. I'm not sure what it is but I'm never sullen there. The league does not have as many very good bowlers as my other but it's still competitive. I am seriously considering leaving my old league and bowling strictly at the new place next year. It has me feeling renewed. I'll miss my old buddies but being the new league is on a different night, I can still go visit them or sub on a limited basis. This is probably not the same as you but I defintely know the feeling.


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2009, 09:52:44 AM »
Like you, I've been bowling for over 40 years now.

Howver, I did take a break and quit from 1995 to 2001 for some of the same reasons that you have now. Mainly, I used the time to be with my kids and coach them in youth sports as well as get involved with their lives. Honestly, I think that when I came back, I had a much better attitude about the game as before.

Inverted1 said it well. My story is almost exactly the same, except is was for all of the 90's. In that critical 10 year stretch for each of my kids (5-15 years old), my world revolved around their sports, coaching, and just making time to be with them. I've never regretted any of it, and wouldn't change a thing, except that I'm now physically past my bowling prime.

The urge to bowl will probably come back at the appropriate time in your life. It could be 1 year, or 10. Follow your heart on this one.


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2009, 09:57:28 AM »
jkiser & ThongPrincess, I am currently in the same boat as you and know exactly how you feel or felt in ThongPrincess case. I am there now.

I have struggled ever since I was off for 6 months after major surgery 5 1/2 years ago. Even though the surgery did effect me a bit when I started bowling again, it has had no effects on me the past 4 years. Yet my average has continued to fall. I am now 30 pins under what I was back then and I struggle every week now to even maintain my current average and it has come to the point where bowling is no longer fun.

I told my team 3 weeks ago that I am considering quitting and that  I probably wouldn't be back this summer nor next year.

To sum it up Jim, I totally understand your fellings about bowling as I am currently feeling the same thing. I didn't mean to hi-jack your thread here. I was just trying to explain How I know what you are feeling and what ThongPrincess has felt in the past.
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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2009, 10:20:05 AM »
Thanks Brick, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my post..

jkiser & ThongPrincess, I am currently in the same boat as you and know exactly how you feel or felt in ThongPrincess case. I am there now.

I have struggled ever since I was off for 6 months after major surgery 5 1/2 years ago. Even though the surgery did effect me a bit when I started bowling again, it has had no effects on me the past 4 years. Yet my average has continued to fall. I am now 30 pins under what I was back then and I struggle every week now to even maintain my current average and it has come to the point where bowling is no longer fun.

I told my team 3 weeks ago that I am considering quitting and that  I probably wouldn't be back this summer nor next year.

To sum it up Jim, I totally understand your fellings about bowling as I am currently feeling the same thing. I didn't mean to hi-jack your thread here. I was just trying to explain How I know what you are feeling and what ThongPrincess has felt in the past.
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."


My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Roto Grip.. King of Them All!!

Storm ain't so bad either!! LOL
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!

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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2009, 10:50:37 AM »

You are a parent now. Once you are a parent...priorities change in life. I have four children. Before I had kids I was able to bowl alot (2 leagues a week, 1 night of pot bowling, and subbed in another one). That's 3 nights a week I was away from home....NO way I could that now.

You stated it already you want to be the best Dad. Bowling isn't as high on the list of things you want to do.

I think you enjoy bowling and if you stopped it all together, I think you might miss it. Just cut back.

My opinion is take the summer off. Bowl in your mix league on Monday next year with your wife. Going out and doing something is good for you and your Wife.

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2009, 11:22:34 AM »
Another possibility for you is to not commit to any leagues, and just be on a roster or a 5th/6th man.  This allows to to be able to see the guys/gals at the center, the friendship you have built, and still keep a little sharpness in.  If you still enjoy being around the sport, then as your daughter gets a little older, then get her in a youth league and start coaching.  This allows you to give back to the sport, and you will find more pleasure in doing this then the self satisfaction of bowling for yourself.

  I did this for five years, all i bowled was about 24-30 games a years with a group of guys that I enjoyed being around.   I never felt any burden or displeasure of bowling bad, since I was having fun and in my teammates eyes, I was doing them a favor bowling for them when they needed someone.  After the 5 yearrs, I started to get an itch back, and I gradually got back into it.


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2009, 01:29:46 PM »
Sometimes you just need to step away to make you remember why you like the sport. A few years ago I messed up my left knee (slide food) I sat out a part of the season. When I came back I wanted to have fun bowling and was having a blast. When we moved to Albert Lea due to being new in town I did not know if I wanted to bowl. I did bowl last season and had probably one of my best seasons. I just did not enjoy it however. I sat out this year and now I am really looking forward to bowling next season. I guess my point is if you think you need a break take a break. It just may recharge ya.


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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2009, 03:30:03 PM »
I obviously have to finish my fall league and travel league commitment for this year and then I think I am leaning towards taking a break for awhile to re-focus and re-evaluate. I will then have time to spend some quality time with my daughter and then after that break (however long it takes) get back into bowling and maybe learn to enjoy it again.. I have thought about doing this in the past but I think this time I must do it or I am going to hate the game forever.

Take the summer off and go play in the sandbox with your daughter.  Getting away from it all may be a good idea.  Only you will know when and if the desire to bowl comes back.  I hope the desire does come back and I wish you luck in your break time
White Dot
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Re: I have serious bowling burnout: Is it time to hang up the shoes?
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2009, 03:42:38 PM »
I can relate Jim...and I cannot tell you when the drive will come back.  In my case, the last league I bowled was during the 2005 season.  I don't know that I have rolled a dozen games since then.  

I did almost have the urge to dig some of the stuff out this past weekend, which is probably the closest I have come to wanting to go to a center in more than a year.  

The reasons for it not being fun will vary for different people...I am somewhat hopeful that when I finally do get out for Round 3 that the layoff from competition will have been long enough for me to simply have fun.  While you might not need three-plus years away from it like I have had, it may take more than a summer off.

And no, when I return, I do NOT intend to buy new equipment.  I fully expect to use my old Roto gear, including the Gold Grenade and the Roto RH.