Another possibility for you is to not commit to any leagues, and just be on a roster or a 5th/6th man. This allows to to be able to see the guys/gals at the center, the friendship you have built, and still keep a little sharpness in. If you still enjoy being around the sport, then as your daughter gets a little older, then get her in a youth league and start coaching. This allows you to give back to the sport, and you will find more pleasure in doing this then the self satisfaction of bowling for yourself.
I did this for five years, all i bowled was about 24-30 games a years with a group of guys that I enjoyed being around. I never felt any burden or displeasure of bowling bad, since I was having fun and in my teammates eyes, I was doing them a favor bowling for them when they needed someone. After the 5 yearrs, I started to get an itch back, and I gradually got back into it.