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Author Topic: i just cant finish the games off = choke  (Read 578 times)


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i just cant finish the games off = choke
« on: April 13, 2004, 10:50:50 AM »
last week first game(my high game): XX-/XXXXXXX9/ 259.....had extremely late timing on gutterball, then lowered arm swing way too quickly to make up, i should have stopped and started over again. But in the tenth I get the first strike and proceed to grab the ball on the next shot lofting it 1/4 of the way down the lane

this week third game: [8 ]-XXXXXXXX[6]- 236: big four in the tenth AGAIN grabbing it and lofting the heck out of it(in very ugly fashion). i really wanted the 11-in-a-row plaque.

i just cant finish these dang games....i didnt feel nervious(especially after gutterball i was just angry)

WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just a head case??

btw...i fell 2 pins short of my first 600 series the week before all of this happened(159avg)...i did win the century award though for the 259!

its nice to see how many people come to watch the lowest avg bowler in the league try to string big amounts of strikes together