Hey KenDog, sorry you missed out on the second 300. I'm still waiting for my first, one day I will get there. As for your post, from how you word it sounds to me like this guy may have been trying to mess you up on purpose. I base this on three things. 1) He ran up and shot with you. Even when not giving full 2 lane courtesy, I try not to throw at the exact moment someone else is. 2) Its almost a rule and everyone knows it that if a guy is on a big run, you give him the courtesy. Hot hand takes the lead, simple as that. He was only 2 lanes over, he knew what was going on. 3) He laughed when you told him you missed the three hundred and that he distracted you. He probably felt you were mad at missing three and blaming him for it, but its still not appropriate to laugh.
As for courtesy in general, I agree with the posters who said they ask to be placed next to kids during practice. I totally do the same thing and it really helps you focus. Ive had kids wander into my lane during the approach, and scream just for hitting a pin or 2. Now its too the point I dont even hear them. I hear nothing but my feet, the ball hitting the lane, rolling and hitting pins. I expect it to be noisy at a bowling alley and get most unnerved at total silence. I am cool with one lane courtesy, and even 2 lane if everyone chooses to observe it. Otherwise 2 lane is too slow. We have this one team that refuses to bowl if you are within 3 LANES!! No one likes bowling this team, because it takes 3 hours to bowl a set. I tried talking to them about it and they blame everyone else. I eventually got mad and told them if you can't bowl because someone is within 3 lanes of you, its time for a new sport. Of course, they all average 130-140 and think they are God's gift to bowling.
BTW, if other bowlers catch on that lane courtesy bothers you, they will use it on you. I got lectured by one lady for just walking up to get my ball that I was supposed to remain seated until she was done. I got mad, and the next time she threw her shot and knocked down 3, I walked up threw my strike and made a comment about how this game is just too easy sometimes. Pissed her off good
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good. Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!! OHH THE HUMANITY!"
Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series:
Thursday League: 686 (242, 222, 222)
Sunday League: 541 (157, 157, 227)
New Personal High Series!