Somebody is probably gonna call me a crybaby, but I have to unload this before it sours my whole day.
Last Monday night I had my first 300 game. I'm just thrilled, because I pretty much only bowl once a week except for a sweeper once in a while. Well, anyway last night I was surprised to find the same identical shot on the lanes. First game, I have the first nine, super clean shots, real possibility of my second perfect game. I get up to the approach, the bowler on my left nods and says go ahead and gives me the two lane courtesy. I look to my right, make eye contact with the bowler two lanes over, and step up on the approach. As I'm setting up, I can see him right at the end of his approach out of the corner of my eye, but I figure he's giving me the lane courtesy also. As I get to the last step in my approach, here comes this guy on my right running up on me (he basically runs to the line). Needless to say, I was distracted, pulled the shot for a seven/spare, which I followed by a flush pocket strike to finish the game for a 277.
I'm fuming as I sit back down, and this guy who had run up on me comes over and says "What did you do?" When I tell him that I was distracted when he ran up on me, he laughs! Well anyway, I know a lot of bowlers think two lane courtesy is crap and all, but on a nine bagger in the tenth, I don't think I've ever seen this happen before. I could understand if this guy was a new bowler, or a low average bowler, but this guy is a 2-teen average who bowls three times a week.
I don't know if I feel any better yet, but at least I tried. BLAH!
avoids spare shooting at all costsjust throw strikesEdited on 2/3/2004 10:32 AM
Edited on 2/3/2004 10:32 AM