Regardless of lane conditions, Jay, "you have to bowl like you" and the faster we bowlers recognize that the happier we will be.
Due to build, flexibility, strength, athletic ability, age, injuries, and several other factors, we all have our individual styles. Once again, it comes down to repeating shots; however, if you're trying so hard to bowl like someone else your chances aren't nearly as good as if you do what comes natural to you.
I watch bowlers literally waste years trying to bowl like (insert PBA player) when they have zero physical characteristics of that bowler. It really doesn't matter if I'm playing straight up 8 board and my opponent is hooking the lane. Chances are we're both hitting very close to the same spot down lane so whoever carries best will likely win.
I am not as polished on the difficult sport patterns as some, but on the typical league night I have confidence that I can compete, and if I don't win, the other guy, at least, had to have a good night. Just bowl like you.