I worked in a smaller center once upon a time. I was trained to work on the pinsetters, drag and strip lanes, oil, clean pins, and resurface damaged balls. I made $6.50 per hour, part time, and got free practice.
Another perk was discounts on food from the snack bar. Drinks were free. The food deal was great because I could prepare all my own eats. Instead of cooking the normal 5 chicken strips for the basket, I'd cook like 10 or 12. Small fry? Not today! I'd double super size it just because I could. Hum? Maybe that's why I was so stinkin' fat back then!!
Working in a center is great even if you get the practice games for free. Honestly, if I could find a part time job right now where my only pay was unlimited free games, I'd do it. You can practice on fried lanes and learn how to better play them or, if you're lucky, you can oil lanes with any shot you want and learn how to play on that condition.
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.