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Author Topic: I need help choosing a ball  (Read 1053 times)


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I need help choosing a ball
« on: December 26, 2003, 10:07:17 AM »
Hi, i'm a 16 year old boy that wants to start playing bowling, my father and mother are playing since 2 years now. Yesterday I played with my dad's balls for the first time. I've had played a couple of times straight but had never tried with a hook (I don't know how you call the technique cuz I speak french here we call it full grip). Iam playing without my thumb and my hooks are VEEEERY aggressive, WAY too aggresive. I tried a columbia Game which had a sick hook, I then tried a Warp Zone which had an agressive hook and then I tried an Ebonite Tornado which had a quite agressive hook too. The guy at the pro shop saw me play and passed me a ball (can't remember the name) which had a mild hook. I played LOT better with that ball, I played 147 (which everybody considered good as a first time full grip player) with the pro shop guy's ball. So now I want to buy myself a ball but I need a mild hook, the warp zone was too aggressive and the tornado was a lil bit too much. So what you guys think I should get. I looked at some balls and found the hammer everclear very attractive but I wanna go with efficiency so now i'm asking your help to decide which ball i'm going to buy

I did a lil drawin (fast drawing) of the trajectory that the balls I tried had . if it doesnt'T work go see it at

My hook was perfect on the oiled section but when it got in the rough proly 2 feets before the pins it dramaticaly changed direction and hit the other side of the triangle

Edited on 12/27/2003 2:05 AM



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Re: I need help choosing a ball
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2003, 10:33:27 AM »
anyone knows how to help me ????


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Re: I need help choosing a ball
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2003, 11:48:16 AM »
first of all, the images do not show up. I get an error message: "you are trying to access an image outside of playstation,com".
Second, serious bowlers bowl with their thumb; usually only children play games, throwing a ball without their thumb to see how much they can make the ball hook. So, in general, if you're talking about bowling without your thumb, most people here will ignore you.

Lastly, since it's impossible to watch you in person, usually it's best for the pro shop in your area to recommend a good starter ball for beginners. A small hooking control ball is usually best. Besides we may recommend a ball which your pro shop cannot get.
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Re: I need help choosing a ball
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2003, 12:43:27 PM »
well the pro where I play actually plays without his thumg and he's one heck of a good player. I just can't rev the ball with my thumb I don't know why but it won't rev. + i'm a 16 y/o kid don't forget. Plus if the guys on this forum ignore people cuz they don't play with thumbs then all I would say to them is something I can't say right now. I only asked for a suggestion not anything too hard to do when you know you're thing and you're willing to help. I just need a small hook


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Re: I need help choosing a ball
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2003, 02:57:39 PM »
Well I have to say those balls had a pretty zig-zaggy path. LOL sorry. Well any ways, what kind of lane conditions do you bowl on? It would be a big help to know if you have dry, medium, wet, whatever conditions you may encounter. I would deffinitly get a ball thats not very reactive, with a very week drilling. Although I dont support no thumb bowling, for many reasons, but thats for another time and post. Well any way, just get a non-reactive, maybe urethane balls, drilled fairly weak. Get your pro-shop guys opinion. He knows how you bowl, we really have no idea.
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