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Author Topic: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?  (Read 2342 times)


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Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« on: January 13, 2013, 10:26:32 PM »
So over the last couple days I got to thinking about my youth bowling years. Who I bowled with, who I know is still bowling now compared to then, tournaments at a local and state level and other things.

When I got started in youth league I didn't bowl in any tournaments the 1st 2 years. Then after I started in my 3rd year I entered just about every event I possibly could from when I was 13 until 21, I have probably 100+ bowling trophies from my youth career. I remember that in order to go to state tournaments at the end of the season you had to qualify into it. A year or 2 after I was no longer allowed to bowl as a youth the decision was made to just let anyone or team go to state. So much for making the state tourney a special event where it felt good to actually go because you "EARNED" it. Back then 1988-1999 there were all kinds of tournaments, now at least in my area there's maybe a handful of tournaments held each year.

Just wish I could go back and relive my entire youth bowling career knowing what I know now. I'd be a little more serious about wanting to get better, I'd work on not having such a bad temper that I had back then, and I'd learn to play straighter instead of rippin the cover off the ball with every shot I took.

1 thing I really wish would make a return is making state a must qualify to enter event again, give these kids some feeling of accomplishment on a team level. For those kids who didn't make it with a team can still go for the singles event.

Yes, there wasn't any point to this thread, just thought I would see if I could spark someone elses childhood experiences.
Mike Zadler



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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 10:50:06 PM »
I loved my youth bowling days!!!! I bowled in a lot of tournaments all over the southeast. We use to have a tournament called JSBA that included Ga, NC, SC, and Virginia mainly. I got to bowl with/against some really awesome people. Tommy Jones and Jason Sterner just to name a few.


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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2013, 11:17:25 PM »
We weren't that fortunate to have young future PBA bowlers in the area, would have been nice though. When I was in youth bowling there wasn't a separate traveling league until the year after I was no longer eligible to bowl youth because of my age. I would have really enjoyed doing a travel league back then.
Mike Zadler


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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 07:21:59 AM »
I wish I was as good of a bowler now as I was as a youth.

I never was a great bowler but I was very consistent. I made my states all-start team and qualified for Jr. Gold my last two years of youth. I averaged 190 in a house that only had a few adults averaging 200. At this time I had only been bowling for 4-5 years.

Now I have been bowling for almost 10 years and I average upper 190's and I am stupid inconsistent and I hate it. I dont have time to practice to get better and I really would like to change my game and without time to practice I cant. I want to take revolutions off the ball and be able to play a straighter line and just be more consistent rather than just try to overpower the lane. I just dont know how to go about it.


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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 01:19:57 PM »
I remember the following:

-Watching Bill O'Neill tear up JBTs with a white dot, Beast, and Danger Zone for something like 20 titles in a season.
-Watching Sean Rash dominate Jr Gold a few years in a row
-Mike Fagan hooking the whole lane just about every time I saw him bowl JR/Collegiate
-Scott Norton averaging 260 at a tournament when 2nd place was around 215 for 9 games
-A good friend of mine beating Tommy Jones in the finals of a Jaspa Jr tournament
-Virginia Youth Scratch Shootouts which had one of the deepest talent pools of any Jr tournament scene with guys coming from NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA, even as far as Ohio and the Carolinas
-"Proactive" coming out
-Bowling bakers against Chris Loschetter's Florida State University team
-Bill O'Neill shooting back to back 300s at the Kent State tournament my freshman year of college
-Bowling Saturday morning youth leagues at 10 AM, then staying in the bowling alley and traveling around to 5 or 6 other bowling alleys on the same day meeting friends and practicing until about 1 AM
-Learning to drill at 12 In a Row Pro Shop when I was 17
-The release of Skull Ball!
-The Eraser and the Ti-Messenger/Ti-Messenger Pearl being the most popular balls at every tournament
-JBT's when it took +200 to make the cut for 5 games
-"Sport Shot" was new and had everyone confused as hell
-Saving all of my money to buy an Attitude 3 after Parker Bohn III shot 300 on TV
-Watching the Quantum Helix (The first Hybrid!) go down the lane and being in complete AWE of how much it snapped on the backend
-Watching all the high rollers bowl pot games til 3 AM every weekend
-Hearing about this guy "Rudy Revs" who could hook the entire lane and strike on EVERYTHING

Wow bowling was fun back then.


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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2013, 01:39:18 PM »
I remeber collegiate bowling with DP3...brutal days of 40 baker games...


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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2013, 01:57:35 PM »
I remeber collegiate bowling with DP3...brutal days of 40 baker games...

Amen.  Starting out tough and on the drier side.  Everyone in the building 6-7th arrow starting game 4 of the 40 game baker block.  Damn that was rough.


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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2013, 03:00:42 PM »
Never had the luck to have junior bowling when I was teenager. My bowling was getting together with the neighborhood guys and piling in one car and heading to the ally. Downtown Brooklyn there were the STATE ALLIES made up of 48 allies. Pin boys and .25 a game. For two bucks we'd spend the afternoon bowling.

Later on I was married and moved to Lindenhurst LI.  Bowled pretty consistent through the years but never got involved where I wanted to improve myself. Too interested in work and raising a family. Did bowl every week!

Don't remember any big names from the PBA .. Norm Duke did bowl in Babylon Bowl and Bay Shore lanes .. and of course Rudy Revs was in leagues. Rudy back then was something to watch .. lifted the ball over his head and you never heard the ball touch the ground.

I remember bowling 5 nights a week startin at 6:00 (maybe 6:30 not positive) then going to another set of lanes (same house) to bowl the 9:30 league!

Never got too involved with Tournaments (I'm sure there were plenty) but belonged to a Bowling club where we went to the Nationals every year! When I moved to NC in 1999 I signed up NEW to the USBC and all my records from NY were dropped. I didn't have anything major as far as accomplishments but my time bowling was lost!

Although I didn't have the ability to join all the junior bowling that later kids enjoyed I wouldn't trade one minute of my youth for the later times! I loved every minute of it.

Thanks for giving me a chance to rethink it!
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2013, 03:51:15 PM »

I remember my youth bowling years way too well! and I'm talking from my 'learn to bowl' leagues all the way up to collegiates. To see the transition from wood lanes to synthetic, from rubber to polyester to urethane to reactive resin to now, short oil and long oil being the only two patterns to now.. I enjoyed all of it. The part I enjoy the most is having my lowest score ever be 0, and highest be 300.  :D

Normal Youth league on Saturdays, Junior Traveling Classic on Sundays, High School league on Mondays.. and my entire area (Omaha) was very competitive; every school had a 1st and 2nd team, and that was out of 18 high schools. The only drawback and I wish they had it then like they do now: There was no Junior Olympic Gold concept back then. It would have been great to have, especially with having the ABC, WIBC, and YABA separate, but there was no chance for national recognition at the youth level at that time, unless it was only local.

It wasn't until I got into Collegiates that such recognition started, and that was in '92. But then again, I was happy to say that while I bowled well, I got spanked by the likes of the Dorin sisters, Barnes, Liz Johnson, Tammy Boomershine, Marcia Kamrowski, Brenda Mack (and she was on my team!), and many others.

Justin Hromeck, Barnes, and the Dorins were in their last year or just completed when I started my first, so to be able to compete with them at that level was a huge honour, let alone be able to carry my own weight with them.

I just have to say thanks to my parents for making us move from one neighbourhood of Omaha to another, because if we hadn't, I wouldn't have received the coaching I needed to be at the level I am at right now. From there, all the friendships that came along with it. From there, it's all downhill, because while I have the skillsets, the friendships mean more to me at this point. I wouldn't have traded youth bowling for anything.



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Re: Remembering my youth bowling years; who remembers theirs?
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2013, 11:43:36 PM »
I wish I had some of the youth bowling experiences that some of you had but I still wouldn't trade my youth years for anything else. I will say this though, I wish I was a better bowler in my youth years then what I was. I averaged 160 the last couple years of my youth career, it wasn't until 4-5 years after youth bowling was over with before my average started to improve. Current book average is 205 but right now I'm currently at 196 this season. Hoping to rebound by the end of the season.

DP3; you got me to thinking about when I had all 3 Brunswick Proactive balls in 1 bag.Later on I had a 6 ball roller with 3 teal proactives, 2 Navy proactives, and 1 of the maroon proactive, all had a different layout with various surface preps. Great balls back then. Then I had 3 different Columbia 300 Messengers. Messenger TI, Messenger TI Pear (gold/black), and a Messenger TI Low RG. Then back in 2007 I managed to score a Quantum Double Helix NIB. Should have never did the deal of cash/trade. That ball did 2 things, scored very well on synthetics with predictable snap off the pattern and grabbed attention where ever I went with it.

Glad I was able to bring back good memories to some of you guys!
Mike Zadler