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Author Topic: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger  (Read 3651 times)


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I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« on: March 19, 2004, 12:58:18 AM »
I got a new ball today (Brunswick Power Groove Proactive Black Sparkle)  and because of my severe lack of revs, when it starts its midlane roll, it doesn't have enough on it to even get much of any reaction...

14lbs 1 oz
Pin 3 3/8
CG 4 1/2

I need some help on any way to get more revs on it.  I'm desperate :-/



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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2004, 04:18:54 PM »
Well an easy solution is to cup your wrist. While that may cause your release to become inconsistent, the best way to do it is strengthen the wrist and forearem of your bowling hand. I use a device called a Powerball gyroscope and that has helped me alot. Plus I train my wrist and forearm so I can get more rev on the ball.

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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2004, 04:19:33 PM »
Without a profile I am just kind of shooting in the dark, but have you tried cupping your wrist? Or maybe getting a little more loft on the ball?
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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2004, 04:24:34 PM »
I can cup my wrist just fine, but as i come to the bottom of my swing, i can't keep it quite cupped and it breaks....  

The reason I don't have a profile is because without a consistent shot, I'd have nothing to put there.

With the cupped wrist, at the bottom of the swing, where does the hand go, should it be going 'through' the ball, or almost pulling up off the side?

With my previous ball, I'd consider myself a stroker, it was a 13lb ball, so i had a little easier time of getting revs on it, but not enough to get me out of the 'very low revs' category..

Edited on 3/19/2004 5:18 PM


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2004, 04:24:51 PM »
Another option is throw the ball just as you do, and wait for oil in the midlanes!  More what the ball was designed for anyway!


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2004, 04:26:49 PM »
Lefty, I'm not exactly clear on all the lingo, care to explain that a bit more?

I was bowling close to the 3rd shift, so the lanes should have been shot enough to get some sort of reaction, but without the revs, it doesn't know where to go when it grips midlane

That second tip seems to help.. especially the freeze frame..  i think i'm bringing my hand around a bit too early, meaning my wrist hand is already on the side of the ball by the time it gets to the line...  i think i need to adjust that..

Edited on 3/19/2004 5:24 PM


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2004, 04:34:39 PM »
Ball is grabbing too early, ROLLED out.

Lack of energy.  Cover is too strong for the condition.

Wait to use it when lanes are MORE oily!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2004, 04:38:30 PM »
maybe i didn't explain myself well enough...  this ball is making very little move left at all, certainly not what it's rated to, because of my lack of revs


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2004, 04:52:24 PM »
what lucky is saying is that your ball may be rolling out because theres not enough oil on the lane to let the ball "rev up" before it gets to the backend.  when the ball stops sliding through the oil before it gets to the back, its going to grip the lane(no matter how far down the lane it is), and turn over on whatever axis your revs were creating.  if you play over the outside of the lane, which is typically where the dry areas are, the ball is going to roll out well before you are probably looking for.  this could create less hook than you want, or in some cases more hook.  when the ball does roll out, it will turn over at whatever angle your revs dictate, so i'm thinking u may have a more "forward" roll to your ball.  either way, that ball is made for oil, so if teh lanes are fried, that ball should really be in your bag.  any big hook ball needs oil so it can hold its energy for the backend.  when it rolls out early, it will never do what its description tells you.
Erik Olsen -


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2004, 04:57:21 PM »
Well said.


Wait for oil!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2004, 05:19:03 PM »
thanks lucky...i just hope it helps.  my suggestion would be to:
get a ball for dryer lanes - try and add revs onto your release so u will get more backend with a less agressive ball because the ball will slide through the lane until it reaches the backend.  to increase revs, you need to get more "fingers" into the ball.  when u release, dont just guide the ball down onto the lane.  you want to create power with your fingers by "flipping" the ball out of your hand.  try and get videos or pictures of high rev players releasing the ball.  you will see that alot of their power comes from their fingers creating the revolutions...your thumb is just there for control and to hold onto the ball until release.  if you get more power into your shots with your fingers, u should be able to get more reaction and a more consistent turn on the ball.  then again, i have never seen u throw a ball.
Erik Olsen -


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2004, 06:18:07 PM »
LuckyLefty, this is the same cat that a few weeks back was disregarding guidance on getting a new it would seem that he has bought a ball based on the hook rating but does not have the ideal condition for the ball.  He certainly is not going to listen to us when we try to tell him that more revs are going to contribute to the ball rolling out even earlier...


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2004, 07:40:28 PM »
First of all, thanks to everyone for suggestions, I'll look into every one.

Second, Michelle.

You suggested getting a heavier ball, I did.
I looked into used equipment in my area, and there wasn't anything that was going to work for me.  Buying a used ball off the FS/FT forum would have been just as expensive as buying this ball (factoring in shipping and re-drilling).

I purchased a 100 dollar ball known for a smooth, controllable arc.  

I posted asking for opinions on balls, and looked into reviews of each and every ball suggested in that thread (all in 14#, as you suggested)

I asked the opinion of several pro shop owners, and they suggested the same thing.  I'm a little offended that you seem to think I 'disregarded guidance' when I'm here asking questions and trying to learn.  My understood definition of "rolling out" was obviously wrong, and after the explanation in this thread, I've got an accurate definition.  

I purposely stepped back from several balls based on the fact that they had too high of a hook rating, and the fact that you seem to think I purchased equipment without proper research really puts a bad taste in my mouth about this forum's way of dealing with new(er) bowlers.  

To the others in this thread, I thank you for your advice and help, and have learned alot reading this thread.  

I'll think twice before posting another question.

Edited on 3/19/2004 8:35 PM


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2004, 08:16:34 PM »

 Don't jump off the bandwagon too quickly. Experienced bowlers (myself included) tend to think newbies understand much more than some of them do, and we take things for granted when we refer to "roll out" or "preffered spin axis" or any number of other terms we deal with when trying to decide on our next purchase.

 We have several balls (usually) and are filling small niches and tend to forget some folks only (only?) have one or two balls and don't have experience on a myriad of lane conditions. It can very easily be mistaken for indifference on our part. We know what we are talking about and just figure you do also.

 In reference to your post, cupping your wrist  is the quickest and most efficient way of producing more revs on your ball. Hand position and timing (hitting) the ball can also be useful tools to create more revs.

 You must also realize that some people will ALWAYS put more on the ball than others and that it is not always how much you get on the ball, but in how the ball utilizes the energy that you have given it upon release. I will try to explain it like this.

 A slick ball, (ie.. plastic or pearl urethane) will, under normal conditions, burn less energy on it's path down the lane due to the lesser friction created by the ball and the lane surface. If you put 20 units of energy in one of these ball, and because of the low friction, it only uses up 15 units, it will still have 5 units of enrgy in the roll/hook of the ball. It will still be trying to hook and roll because it will still have stored energy in it.

 A friction ball, (ie.. dull urethane, reactives, or particles) will, under normal conditions, burn more energy on it's path down the lane due to the increased friction created by the ball and the lane surface. If you put the same 20 units of energy in the ball, and because of increased friction, it burns it all up at 50 feet, it will "roll out" and be dead on arrival at the pins.

 The only cure is to find a way to impart more enrgy at the release point, or find a ball/fix the ball so that it does not burn up all the energy created by your natural release.

 I have been bowling since 1980. My first years average was a whopping 120 and this year it is 228 on sundays. It takes time to learn the little things, but it can be rewarding when done properly!
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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2004, 11:13:08 PM »
OK OK OK....

Who needs revs with the equipment we have today? Answer me that.
-Jeremy Vitug