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Author Topic: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger  (Read 3650 times)


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I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« on: March 19, 2004, 12:58:18 AM »
I got a new ball today (Brunswick Power Groove Proactive Black Sparkle)  and because of my severe lack of revs, when it starts its midlane roll, it doesn't have enough on it to even get much of any reaction...

14lbs 1 oz
Pin 3 3/8
CG 4 1/2

I need some help on any way to get more revs on it.  I'm desperate :-/



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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2004, 11:22:35 PM »

    I think that you might be grabbing your ball too tight. I had the same problem when I first started bowling. Try letting the ball go earlier and also relax. Don't cup your wrist to the point where it is cup like a right angle. Just make sure it's straight and not broken; don't try to concentrate your strength on keeping your wrist cup. Try a pendulum swing and relax.

                                  Hope this help,


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2004, 09:26:15 AM »
Oracle, this was at least the second thread where you have posted a question or concern, and that after people tried to answer your question you basically implied that they didn't know what they were talking about.  In this thread it was the initial arguing about what the ball was doing...informed members suggested to you it was rolling out and that they ball needs oil.  

Just because a ball is rated at some number does not mean it is going to move that much on every condition or that every bowler is going to see the same movement.  Some bowlers can manipulate there releases to make the same ball go straight as a board or cover all of the lane.  Covering boards is not the be-all end all to this sport...

In this instance, you finally acknowledged you were bowling on lanes that were probably what most consider toast...not a condition where you want a ball that is particle in nature (which is what the pro-actives are).  Using a ball that is too strong for the condition does not allow the ball to work to its potential.  

I still have to wonder how many of those pro-shop owners saw you throw a ball.  If they did not watch you throw a few shots, then any advise or drilling on new equipment is potentially inaccurate and you were done a dis-service.

The suggestion that was offered in the other thread still stands as a primary issue that should be followed...invest in a few hours of quality coaching.  Trying to increase revs without some form of coaching is likely to contribute to poor mechanics.  It is certainly possible to develop a game without coaching, but it is a more difficult road (I know because that was the road I took, and helps to explain some of the unorthodox approach I have [as those that have seen me on the road can attest]).


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2004, 11:26:02 AM »
As I said in my previous reply, coming into this thread, I had the wrong idea of what "rolling out" was, (being that "rolling out" was when the ball hooked past your target, coming in brooklyn or off the lane completely)  after it was explained to me, I understood what they were saying.  

I understand the concept of lane conditions affecting the way a ball reacts, etc.  It doesn't change the fact that I would like to add more revs to my game.  This was the first 5 games with this ball (i'm planning going today and shooting another 4).  I'm not asking to throw 30 to 5 and back in, I'm asking to get more than 5 boards reaction out of the ball.  I understand some of that is due to the lane conditions, but I also understand that without a proper amount of rotation on the ball (excuse my lack of 'proper' terminology), that reaction will not get too terribly better even with the proper oil.  

I'll look into coaches in my area, but as I've said in other threads, there are very few centers in my area, and online research has produced one coach, 3 hours west (too far for me to travel).


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2004, 12:38:11 PM »
As I said in my previous reply, coming into this thread, I had the wrong idea of what "rolling out" was, (being that "rolling out" was when the ball hooked past your target, coming in brooklyn or off the lane completely)  after it was explained to me, I understood what they were saying.  

Your previous reply came AFTER I had made my comments...there was nothing prior to my response that suggested you were listening to what was being put forth by anyone in the thread.  


I'll look into coaches in my area, but as I've said in other threads, there are very few centers in my area, and online research has produced one coach, 3 hours west (too far for me to travel).

Ask the centers near you who is doing any sort of coaching...not everyone that instructs is going to show up on a web search.  There are decent coaches that don't believe in having to go through all the certification stuff...and by asking around the houses near you, you may very well find someone that knows their stuff that will work with you for the cost of lineage and a beer or burger.


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2004, 12:46:36 PM »
I kept asking questions, asking people to explain things more, and then was away from my computer until your reply.  I'm still here asking questions.  Why would I keep asking for help and suggestions if I'm supposedly ignoring them?  

I'm done having this argument with you.  I hope people continue to give helpful suggestions.  I have printouts of all the sites and tips people gave me sitting in my bowling bag.  I'm going bowling now, I'll let you folks know how practice goes.  Thanks


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2004, 02:00:21 PM »
Who is calista flockhart ???
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2004, 02:14:31 PM »
Who is calista flockhart ???

she played Ally McBeal and seemed anorexic at the beginning of the show...she became even more tiny as the show went on.  However, her 15 minutes of fame seem to have been up...haven't heard anything more about her since that show until this  thread title...


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2004, 02:59:27 PM »
Harrison Ford Has!  He's helping keep her lean!

Regarding your question Oracle.  It would amaze you the difference if you had a powergroove REACTIVE pearl on this condition.  Your retained energy would be phenomenal even with your current revs.

You might even experience your old version of Roll out(past the proper breakpoint with this ball).

The simplest little training book I ever saw on throwing hood and revs is a little $5 dollar booklet called, "How to Throw strikes" by
Dawson Taylor.  He was a good old time bowler and also co wrote a well known book with Earl Anthony.

Often when people would say to me, "How do you throw such a big hook?" (I don't really I was just slow in speed").  I would pull this book out.

In it Mr. Taylor shows some little training things to do to develop hook right at home!  I used it when after an injury I went from right to left!

It works, it's cheap, and it can be done at home.  At some bookstores.
Very tiny book, don't blink you may miss it.


Get a Reactive power groove, see retained energy.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: I need revs like calista flockhart needs a cheeseburger
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2004, 03:13:44 PM »
this whole situation has sort of burnt me out on bowling for a few days, i think...  

i don't have the wrist strength to do a 14 pound ball at the moment, so I'm either going to sell it or just put it away for now.  which leaves me back in the same same boat as i was before...