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Author Topic: Which style will be easier to learn?  (Read 1092 times)

The Hose

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Which style will be easier to learn?
« on: January 14, 2004, 05:30:22 AM »
As you may know, Sawbones is switching from a stroker to becoming a "Flinger".  I on the other hand an working to become a stroker.

Sawbones is a 78 yr old rightie and I'm a 43 yr old lefty .  I've always bowl with a slightly open release and have problems when the shot calls for a down and in shot where I need to square up.  Some of the tour and sport shots have so much oil on the left side that you see mostly see lefties pointing or squaring up and playing outside five.  It looks pretty odd to play that even though back in the 80's that was my A game.  After a 10 year layoff, THS don't have much oil on the outsides and I usually play 12 to 6 or 8, playing the oil line.  Now I wish to learn to square up, take hand out if the ball, and stroke it.

Which style will be the hardest to develop?



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Re: Which style will be easier to learn?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2004, 09:02:48 AM »
Heck, I'm just thankful to hit the pocket any way I can get the #$#*% ball down there.

At his age, Sawbones is a swinger???  Oh you said Flinger.
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Which style will be easier to learn?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2004, 09:04:27 AM »
All kidding aside, what in the world is a "FLINGER"??????
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"

The Hose

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Re: Which style will be easier to learn?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2004, 09:20:13 AM »
Buda,  Sawbones call the guy who really doesn't play boards but just looks at a 6 board area and "Flings" the ball with as many revs as possible to that area.  We see guys do it all the time on house shots and strike up a storm.  They may shoot 550 one night but 780 the next.

I bowled last night and worked on stroking the ball.  It was a late league and the ball was hooking pretty early so I had to move in around 10 to get a look that I wanted.  My accuracy and timing is off due to the new look.  I shot 226 clean, 205 with an open.  I went back to my old style the last game and shot a clean 225.  

I'm going to have a practice session on Saturday with Jim Ensminger who is the SASBA Bowler if the Year.  Not bad when you beat out guys like Gary Dickinson and Bob Glass.  Jim's a real technician of the game and I expect to come away with some great tips.  Later that day, I'll be sending Big Al home in a Lefty Leaves Town match