First off...when it comes to the technical side of bowling....I'm a dummy!!!
I'm just used to going to the proshop, getting a ball drilled, and throwing it down the lanes! As far as knowing what this and that is...I'm lost! But I'm into bowling now more than ever...and I wanna learn this stuff!!! So bare with me please!
Ok, So I kinda got the whole pin and top weight thing for the next topic I'm interested in......
I hear alot about PAP and the distance from PAP to pin, or mass bias.
First Question: When I'm ever reading balls reviews...they always say that their ball is layed out.....(Example: Pin to PAP: 5 1/8" over 1/8" up)
How do they get these measurements....and what exactly does it affect! Is there a normal measurement range that you want your ball to fit into?
Next question is: What exactly is PAP (pretty's positive axis point) but what does that mean and what does it do for the ball? And how do you find it?
Next question: What is the ball's mass bias? And what does it do for the ball?
ANY and ALL information will be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks for the help!