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Author Topic: I need some help!  (Read 512 times)


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I need some help!
« on: October 01, 2008, 08:15:36 AM »
First off...when it comes to the technical side of bowling....I'm a dummy!!!

I'm just used to going to the proshop, getting a ball drilled, and throwing it down the lanes! As far as knowing what this and that is...I'm lost! But I'm into bowling now more than ever...and I wanna learn this stuff!!! So bare with me please!

Ok, So I kinda got the whole pin and top weight thing for the next topic I'm interested in......

I hear alot about PAP and the distance from PAP to pin, or mass bias.

First Question: When I'm ever reading balls reviews...they always say that their ball is layed out.....(Example: Pin to PAP: 5 1/8" over 1/8" up)
How do they get these measurements....and what exactly does it affect! Is there a normal measurement range that you want your ball to fit into?

Next question is: What exactly is PAP (pretty's positive axis point) but what does that mean and what does it do for the ball? And how do you find it?

Next question: What is the ball's mass bias? And what does it do for the ball?

ANY and ALL information will be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks for the help!




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Re: I need some help!
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 04:30:03 PM »
This link might help to explain some of your questions.  PAP is Positive Axis Point.

Edited to add:

There is also more info in the BR FAQ link below.

I am the Sgt Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"

New to BR? - Please check this:  BR FAQ

Edited on 10/1/2008 4:33 PM
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: I need some help!
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 11:26:27 PM »
glad to hear your wanting to learn this stuff.

PAP is your positive axis point. this is the axis that your ball starts off when you release the ball. this is measured by the first ring of your flare rings on the track of the ball. ideally your ball driller should have looked into this and tried to find it. its easier if the shop is in a bowling center. but if not they still should have tried to find it. the main and most important to ball drilling is the distance from the mass bias and pin to your pap. this is what determines ball reaction from drillings.
Simple example sean rash and michael fagan are not going to have nearly the same drillings as a walter ray or norm duke. this is because of their axis points.



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Re: I need some help!
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 11:26:34 PM »
glad to hear your wanting to learn this stuff.

PAP is your positive axis point. this is the axis that your ball starts off when you release the ball. this is measured by the first ring of your flare rings on the track of the ball. ideally your ball driller should have looked into this and tried to find it. its easier if the shop is in a bowling center. but if not they still should have tried to find it. the main and most important to ball drilling is the distance from the mass bias and pin to your pap. this is what determines ball reaction from drillings.
Simple example sean rash and michael fagan are not going to have nearly the same drillings as a walter ray or norm duke. this is because of their axis points.



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Re: I need some help!
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 11:36:37 PM »
Here is another link with lots of useful goodies to learn:§ionid=9&id=22&Itemid=33

 and this one has some short, informative clips:

Norm Duke was right

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