Talk to your local association, they may have a secretary workshop you can go to before your winter league starts
Go to and download the League Operations Manual. They used to give you one each year, but USBC has discontinued the paper copy. It has the award forms in it, and basic secretary/treasurer instructions. It is a VERY important source of information and USBC is really stupid for eliminating the papercopy.
Look into getting software to run your league. Two main companies Bowling League Secretary and Perfect Secretary. I believe at least one of them has a demo you can download. These programs will make it infinately easier to do your job.
Remember that the Sec/Tres gets paid. Usually a small amount per bowler per week. But your league might have a history of a flat fee. Contact a prior officer for a copy of your prior league rules. Rules need to be voted in each year anyway. Any Sec/Tres can help you, doesn't have to be a prior one for your league. If you have your league rules then all you need is some guidence from a knowledgable source might be from a different league.