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Author Topic: I need to choose between these!  (Read 823 times)


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I need to choose between these!
« on: August 13, 2004, 11:11:04 PM »
Given this 4 balls, anyone can determine which ball suits me most for most of the lane conditions? I've a stroker with med rev and speed. The ball weight is 13LB. I'm quite interested in Big Blue Pearl as well as Silver Streak.

These are the balls.

Big Blue Pearl
Flash Force
Roto Grip Silver Streak Pearl
Track RevMaster

By the way, if anyone have better recommends please post.

1 more question, how come 13LB balls have quite a different diff. compared to a 12LB and 14LB.


RG 2.60
Diff 0.39

RG 2.53
Diff 0.55

RG 2.54
Diff 0.35

Notice the gap in between? Anyone to explain this for me?

Edited on 8/14/2004 2:11 PM



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Re: I need to choose between these!
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2004, 06:51:58 PM »
It looks like you are looking for an everyday house-condition ball.  If that is the case and you consider yourself a stroker I'd look for a medium-cover reactive pearl ball.  Getting a consistent transition from mid-lane to the backends is crucial to strokers and IMO reactive pearl balls do that better (not necessarily the case for crankers and some tweeners).  Of these you've listed I'd go with the RG Silver Streak Pearl.  

The other ball I'd look at is the Flash Point.  I've seen several different bowlers with drastically different styles use the Flash Point successfully in a variety of conditions.

Good Luck.


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Re: I need to choose between these!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2004, 09:38:08 AM »
Now again, I'm given 2 more balls to choose. haha.

*For Med Oil - Dry Conditions
Roto Grip Super Sonic
Roto Grip Silver Streak Pearl
Columbia Messenger Ti Pearl

Anyone to help me ?

Edited on 8/15/2004 9:32 AM


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Re: I need to choose between these!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2004, 08:54:49 PM »
So i guess I will be staying with my SS pearl.. Thanks guys!