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Author Topic: I need your views on this....  (Read 995 times)


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I need your views on this....
« on: September 06, 2003, 12:19:19 AM »
Just now, I can from a 2 friday inter club tournament.  Our team FIB, got 2nd place, due to a technicality.  The 1st place went to a team named green valley.

1stly some pertinent background info:

In the printed tournament rules, which was posted, but not all teams were given copies of, there is written, "no twice to beat advantage for the top qualifier".

During the start of the tournament, the tournament director, announced the top qualifier will have a 2x to beat advantage.  This was also announce at the start of the final set of games tonight, and before the start of the step ladder finals. (addt'l backgound, last year the tournament also had a 2x to beat format).

In the written tournament rules, there is a last paragraph, stating the tournament director has the final say in the interpretation of the rules.

Our team was top qualifier, and we believed we had the 2x to beat advantage as this was announced at the start of the tournament, and several times during the tournament, and specifically during the start of the finals.  We were then informed at the 6th frame of the final game that we won't have the 2x to beat advantage.  After which we were informed again that it (2x to beat adv.)will be honored.

After the other team beat us, in the 1st game, they wanted to invoke this clause in the written rules.

The questions running thru my head, aside from WTF? were:
1) why didn't you guys questioned this during the start of the tournament when it was announced? And at the start of the finals when it was announced? The rules also states, any protest should be submitted in written form within 24 hours of the protest.... blah....

We were just floored when we were told that we were number two...? As game 1 didn't go well for us, and it was very hard to catch up, the players were already experimenting different lines for the next game...

My burning question is DO you guys think we were fairly treated?

Sorry for such a long post... I'm still ticked off.



Edited on 9/6/2003 3:29 PM

Edited on 9/6/2003 3:30 PM




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Re: I need your views on this....
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2003, 03:36:42 PM »
Something sounds a little fishy.  Unfortunately I would have to uphold the written rules which stated 1x defeated instead of the 2x that was given verbally.  

At first I thought this was  a double elimination tournament until I remembered where you were from.  From what I can remember from 10-15 years ago, almost every tournament was decided by the top qualifier having to lose 2 games advantage.  Things seems like they've changed.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones

Bill Thomas

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Re: I need your views on this....
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2003, 08:22:56 AM »
Was this a ABC/WIBC sanctioned event?  If so you can protest following the ABC/WIBC rules and get an official ruling.  If it wasn't sanctioned you're screwed, unless you want to hire a lawyer and take it through the court system.  Hope the event was sanctioned.  Either way I think you will find out why that annual sanction fee is so important.  Good luck.