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Author Topic: I really messed up tonight, guys.  (Read 1819 times)


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I really messed up tonight, guys.
« on: September 16, 2008, 02:30:05 PM »
This actually started back at The Gathering in North Carolina. I overdid it that week, especially during the tournament itself, when I had my wrist cocked out in a way I never really had before in order to deal with the short pattern.

Through the remainder of the trip, I had a dull ache, and it stayed with me the last month and a half of summer league. My average dropped about 5 pins upon my return to Alabama, even though I did very well in North Carolina and was hoping to ride that to a better finish this summer.

When fall started back, I started the first night off with a bang. I opened front-seven, front-eight in the first two games, shot my highest set in our league in almost a year and was really feeling good about myself. But I noticed that same dull ache all week long at work coming from the outside of my right wrist.

The subsequent three weeks have been just bad: 510, 468, 517 tonight. But tonight, I managed to screw up in a bad way.

I've had wrist surgery before and several other wrist injuries. Until two years ago, I'd always bowled with a wrist brace. I finally worked hard to get rid of it, strengthen my wrist, etc., because I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. Plus, I got more revs on the ball without the brace and was much more versatile.

We started practice tonight and something didn't feel right. I was striking in practice, but not getting loose. My wrist felt "dead" and heavy. Worse yet, every time I tried to tilt the ball over, it hurt. Tilting was necessary because the house apparently thought first-week scores were too high and reverted to its summer league shot, which is shorter, lower-volume and has even less of a crown than our standard shot (our house isn't hard, but it isn't easy, either). I thought about just trying to scramble through it playing a straighter shot, but my pride wouldn't let me.

By the fifth frame of the first game, I knew I was in trouble. I realized I wasn't going to be able to throw the way I normally throw and ended up trying to play down and in and take some stress off my wrist.

Well, it didn't work. In the middle of the third game, I finally pulled out an old Mongoose Lifter wrist brace just so I could finish the set. At least we won a point in the last game.

I'm sitting here right now with my wrist on fire, and an ice bag. I really don't want to go back to wearing a brace. I'm mad, frustrated and crestfallen all at the same time. The last two years of trying to get better feel almost like a waste. I'm trying to remind myself, though, that bowling with a brace may be my only option.

This friggin' sucks.




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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2008, 10:38:57 PM »

I know it's hard, but don't get discouraged.  Just consider it a setback and not the end of your wristbrace-free bowling.  You obviously have some sort of injury, and bowling through it is not the wisest thing to do.  My advice to you would be to take a bit of time off, and when you are confident that you can bowl pain-free come back with the brace.  That will allow you to get more confidence in your wrist and you should be able to eventually go without again.  

Putting yourself on the shelf sucks.  I currently can't physically bowl for the first time in 25 years because I wrenched my back Saturday.  It happened in warm-up, but I ignorantly bowled the rest of the tournament, which for me was 7 games.  I took 3rd, but the cost was I'm now on disability from work, can't bowl, can't do s#**.  

Please, take it easy.  It's just not worth further injury.

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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2008, 12:06:41 AM »
The other thing that really stinks about this is that with a brace, my PAP changes significantly. So now all my stuff is drilled "wrong," so to speak.


Kid Jete

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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2008, 12:24:05 AM »
This is one of the reasons I like my brace.  I'm not going pro, I'm a league bowler so I really don't care about being more versitile.  I can change cup, tilt and rotation just fine with it.  I would just stick with it before you screw yourself up for good, especially since you have already have a lot of trouble with your wrist in the past.

Uncle Crusty

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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2008, 08:13:43 AM »
I know how you feel, Jess. I've been bowling all fall with a nagging finger injury that I originally got playing a little pickup baseball over the summer. But I just can't force myself to sit out a week or two and let it fully heal. I don't know what it is about this sport that makes us torture ourselves...
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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2008, 08:54:16 AM »
Sorry to hear about your injury Jess.  I use a wrist brace all the time and now that my wrist feels strong, I think that I could go with just the wrist wrap with the velcro.  Some bowlers use them on their forearms and some on their wrist.  There are some gloves that are made with velcro strap built right into the glove.  This helps support the wrist without needing a wrist support.

Time to see a doctor?

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Dan Belcher

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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2008, 09:03:57 AM »
I've had wrist surgery before and several other wrist injuries.
As bad as you feel about wearing a wrist support, in my opinion you need something to protect your wrist.  You're going to be prone to reinjury no matter what you do it sounds like -- why put yourself at even higher risk by not using some kind of support?  You may not need a big heavy duty wrist brace, you may be able to get away with a small wrap that bears some of the load on your wrist.  However, have you tried the Gadget?  I'm impressed with how versatile it is.  I can adjust the amount of cup, the angle from side to side (looking at it from that picture, the top part rotates clockwise or counterclockwise several degrees), and you can still cock your wrist freely because it only limits how far back your wrist bends, not how far forward it can bend.  If you like to sometimes scoop up and hit it at the bottom of the swing, you can actually do that with this brace.  My ball driller let me try one out in practice one day and I loved it.  It gave me a lot of versatility with my release but still kept my very weak wrist from breaking back.

A lot of people despise wrist braces, but sometimes it really is the best option, especially when you have wrist troubles and it helps prevent reinjury (see Mike Scroggins for example).


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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2008, 09:35:49 AM »
I can only say that really sucks Jess but don't let it knock you down for to long. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins
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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2008, 10:58:30 AM »
Get yourself to a doctor before you injure your wrist and can't bowl the rest of the season.  Then do what he says.  --  JohnP


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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2008, 11:08:25 AM »
I was "stubborn" like that in my younger years.  I continued to bowl when I should have stopped and taken care of the issue.  I don't put as many Rev's on the ball now but I occasionally have wrist pain.  
Go to the Dr. and get that taken care of before you injure it beyond repair.


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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2008, 07:23:16 PM »
Gadget looks very similar to Robbies Revs and I thought Robbie Revs was a great wrist support.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2008, 08:25:11 PM »
I appreciate all the words of support/commiseration.

I've got a Robby's Revs-I that looks a lot like the Gadget I used it for years with no problems. I've also got one of Storm's Strongarm braces, a Cobra II and the Mongoose (which unlike the others, is not adjustable). I just didn't want to have to use them again.

But I'm going to have to. I noticed today that I'd picked up some shoulder soreness, most likely due to overcompensating for the wrist. My entire right arm from the elbow down feels like I slept on it wrong last night.

I'll start with the Mongoose and the Revs-I and then see how things go. If I'm still hurting next Wednesday, it's off to the MD.


Dan Belcher

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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2008, 09:08:58 PM »
I've got a Robby's Revs-I that looks a lot like the Gadget I used it for years with no problems. I've also got one of Storm's Strongarm braces, a Cobra II and the Mongoose (which unlike the others, is not adjustable). I just didn't want to have to use them again.
I used to wear a Robby's Revs III, almost identical to the Revs I you have except for the shape of the top.  I find the Gadget to be much more comfortable, but also it doesn't lock your wrist into place.  It doesn't cup it in one position.  It has a setting for locking how far back it can go -- you set only the minimum amount of cup.  You can freely cup your wrist as far forward from there as you want.  It just limits how far back your wrist can break before the support catches it.  That really makes a difference in how I come out of the ball compared with the static locked position on the Robby's Revs.  I am able to alter my release a lot more with the Gadget than the Robby's Revs.  If your pro shop will let you try one out for a game or two in practice, you should give it a shot.


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Re: I really messed up tonight, guys.
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2008, 09:48:26 PM »
I've got a Robby's Revs-I that looks a lot like the Gadget I used it for years with no problems. I've also got one of Storm's Strongarm braces, a Cobra II and the Mongoose (which unlike the others, is not adjustable). I just didn't want to have to use them again.
I used to wear a Robby's Revs III, almost identical to the Revs I you have except for the shape of the top.  I find the Gadget to be much more comfortable, but also it doesn't lock your wrist into place.  It doesn't cup it in one position.  It has a setting for locking how far back it can go -- you set only the minimum amount of cup.  You can freely cup your wrist as far forward from there as you want.  It just limits how far back your wrist can break before the support catches it.  That really makes a difference in how I come out of the ball compared with the static locked position on the Robby's Revs.  I am able to alter my release a lot more with the Gadget than the Robby's Revs.  If your pro shop will let you try one out for a game or two in practice, you should give it a shot.

The Strongarm is like that, too (i.e., doesn't lock the wrist forward), but it's shaped like the Cobra (i.e., with the extended finger) and I don't like that. I also get into trouble with non-locking braces because I'll try to over-cup, anyway.
