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Author Topic: I should seriously just quit  (Read 4426 times)


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I should seriously just quit
« on: June 05, 2003, 08:22:35 AM »
I've never been more depressed about my bowling than I was tonight.  It was more of the same at this house, but 10 times worse.  To start off with, I wasn't bowling particularly well, but I've done worse.  My arm and wrist weren't giving me much trouble tonight, it was just inaccuracy on shots.  I couldn't carry anything, and I'm dead serious when I say it seemed like the pins were against me.  I tripped ONE 4 pin all night, and other than that there were no carried 10's (6 pin off the wall, or whatever), and even when I hit the pocket flush I wasn't carrying.  There did seem to be an inordinate amount of 8's and 9's for everyone tonight, however.  My good shots were 10 pins every single time.  My bad shots were either luck strikes (a very few evenso) or splits (I only had 4, so it wasn't exactly AWFUL), and my decent shots were 4's, 8's or 7's.  

I have NEVER done this before, and always looked down on people who did, but it was so bad tonight that I just gave up.  I had a great practice session last night, and was feeling great during warmup tonight, but things started out bad and stayed that way.  The shot was there all night, I was just moving to find carry, and never found it.  I played everything from 4th arrow to 8, 4th arrow to 12, 3rd arrow to 10, 3rd arrow to 6, 2nd arrow to 8, 2nd arrow to 5, and everywhere in between, and nothing made a difference.  I'm sure everyone looking thought I was being unusually inaccurate, and on some shots I was, but for the most part I was trying to find a line that would carry.  Nothing worked, period, and it was 90 percent carry issues.  I only had release problems 3 or 4 shots, I made all but one of my makeable spares (before I gave up in the 4th game), I only left a few splits, a couple of them being track burn issues, but still not great shots to begin with.  There was one ball I threw from 2nd arrow to 6 that I KNEW was going to react and set up perfectly right off my hand, and it was by FAR the best shot of the night, and probably my best shot in the last month, everything clicked and felt perfect, it just rolled off my hand, slid down the lane, set up, and left me another 10 pin.  I can honestly tell when a shot is going to hit weak or not carry, but some of the leaves at this house make my shake my head.  

Bowling is the only thing I'm good at, and because of reasons I won't get into, it's the only thing I look forward to every week, and anyone that watches me can tell you that I'm extremely hard on myself, I always try to do my best, and never let myself get comfortable.  I'm absolutely NEVER satisfied with any scores, I might be happy for the moment, but I always find the places where I screwed up or could have done better.  I'd sure save a lot of money and time if I quit, but I don't know what I'd replace it with.  I wouldn't have anything to look forward to, I don't have friends I see more than once a week, I just don't have anything else going for me.  You can say I'm just having a pity party, that I just really suck and don't know it, but I don't care.  I'm being honest, and dead serious, and I just need either some help or advice.  Again.
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!



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Re: I should seriously just quit
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2003, 01:56:39 AM »
I did horrid tonight.  It's just more of the same nickel and dime stuff.  I did just ok the first couple games, but I was getting a lot closer to the pocket the last game.  In the fourth frame I started my nice little string.  9 pin, 10 pin, 7 pin, 7-10.  The 9 pin was a great shot, just a little too strong if anything, the 10 pin was a great shot, and hit the pocket cleanly, it just didn't go.  The 7 pin was a mixer, and the 7-10 was one of my better shots also.  I was doing EVERYTHING that was suggested, I relaxed my arm, everything was feeling great, I was even surprised that I didn't get hacked off after an early split in the first game.  Took it in stride and kept going.  I bowled a lot better tonight than I did last night, and again it was just awful carry.  

I've figured out my biggest problem, however, and that's having a lack of fingers in the ball.  I've been concentrated for the longest time on pitches and spans and grips that will just allow me to hold onto the ball, and at the same time be able to get my thumb out of the ball when I release it that I didn't notice I was relaxing my fingers completely.  When I bowl lefthanded, everything feels absolutely perfect, I can hang onto the ball, and my thumb slides out just right and I can feel my fingers with just the right amount of dig into the ball and it just flows right off my hand.  Then when I go back to bowling right handed, everything feels out of place and just very uncomfortable, like it's my off hand instead of my primary hand.  I've even gone to shooting a basketball lefthanded, and it feels so much better.  I don't know if it's something that's wrong with my right hand or not, but it just feels so dead most of the time.  And I can't fix my pitches or spans either, because since I work at the pro shop and it's slow during the summer, the ball plug and slugs are under lock and key.  

I've got one ball that's at 4 3/4ths for both spans, reverse 1/4th in the fingers, and reverse 3/8ths and left 1/4th in the thumb, and then I have one that's at 4 3/8ths for both spans, reverse 1/8th in the fingers, and reverse 1/4th in the thumb (not to mention I tried this one without grips, I HATE it), and another that's in between.  My span I think is going to end up at 4 5/8ths, and reverse in the fingers at 1/8th, and reverse in the thumb at just 3/8ths, but I won't be able to work on anything until August.
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!


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Re: I should seriously just quit
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2003, 03:13:14 AM »
Ummmm, couldn't you (ack, cough, gag) PAY (maybe at cost to lessen the blow) to have your equipment fixed?  Did you fool with stuff too much after your finished up youth leagues averaging 216?  The usual rule is to never change more than one thing at a time so you know how it will affect you.
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Re: I should seriously just quit
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2003, 03:32:41 AM »
Strider, I have to agree that there is a wide variety of variables on the scene here.  With that many grip changes, I'd be totally confused on how to throw the ball.


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Re: I should seriously just quit
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2003, 04:08:18 AM »
  I used to always get down on myself during games when I wasn't doing well and it killed my average greatly.  If game 1 was bad, you better believe that 2 and 3 were also.  But the 2 things that I found out were hurting me was 1) I expect to do well and 2)I try too hard.  I mean we all go out on the lanes and expect to throw strike strike strike, but that doesn't always happen.  Stay cool when u don't strike, spares count too.  And when the ball is hitting the pocket and u don't strike, keep throwing it, because odds are you will get easier spares.  And when u are having a bad night, just exhale and move on, thats life none of us are pros playing for a hundred grand so just move on, what is done is done.

June 3, 2003 First 600 Series(208,258,170)!!!!!!
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: I should seriously just quit
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2003, 09:46:10 AM »

After reading all of this it's OBVIOUS to me what your problem is. It has nothing to do with relaxing, or beating yourself up and, probably nothing to do with your personal problems since it sounds like you are totally focused on bowling when you bowl.

It's ALL of those changes you are trying all the time. period. A 3/8" span difference alone will totally blow my game. Switching from left to right! Good grief! Your muscle memory doesnt know which way is up!!! Changing wrist positions among all of the other things your are "experimenting" with ALL take time to program your muscle memory and repeat without THINKING. ONE change alone can take 100's of repeating and even monthes to get it down so it isnt necessary to conciously think about what you are doing as you bowl.

So, the solution is simple.

1. Get your balls ALL drilled and fitted the SAME.
2. Pick an arm to use (LEFT OR RIGHT)
3. Go back to your basic style that you have bowled best with in the past
4. Dont think conciously about any aspect of your physical movements when on the approach
5. Throw the ball!

After this all starts working THEN pick ONE change you think needs work and, practice it. During league/competition forget about the change since it will only screw you up to think about it.

Good Luck!



Forget about trying to cup your wrist. You answered one of your own questions by saying your wrist isnt strong enough to do it!


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Re: I should seriously just quit
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2003, 11:44:12 AM »
I already do pay at cost plus a little extra for stuff I do, which is still pretty cheap though.  The problem is that we have about 40 ounces of quick plug left which we use to make slugs, and they each take 2 ounces apiece to make.  That has to last for the next two or three months, and since the customer comes first, no matter how much either myself or the boss's brother pay for stuff, we won't be able to make any changes until the boss is sure we'll have enough.  I've been messing around with stuff to try to find that "perfect fit" but I guess I just won't ever find it.  Everytime I think I do, my hand gets used to the drilling and then I find another problem.  I think that the 4 5/8ths with the reverse pitch I stated will probably be as close as I'm going to get, because my X-Zone is at the 4 3/4ths with 1/4th rev in the fingers, 3/8ths rev and 1/4th left in the thumb, and that's just a little too long.  I drilled a ball the same, but at 4 5/8ths, and it was too hard to hang onto it, so I think if I back off on the reverse, it might be just fine.  I have to have more than 1/4th because of the nerve in my thumb that I pinch, which makes it ridiculously hard to hang onto and let go of the ball.  It swells up and shrinks from shot to shot, and I just don't know what to do with it.  Guess I'm just stuck in a bad situation.
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!