It was pointed out to me that one of the reasons that I squeeze the ball and have a late thumb release, is that my thumb curves upwards and slightly to the right, from the base to tip (I am a righty). This is from jamming my thumb alot when I played football. Has anybody seen or dealt with this (whether you are a coach, ball driller, have a teammate with this)? What is the best technique for geting my thumb out at the right time? My balls are drilled correctly, it seems to be a mental thing. The guy who pointed it out to me suggested at the point of release to push down with the base of my thumb, so that the thumb goes inward towrads my palm. What are your thoughts on this? This is the only thing holding me back from having a strong phyical game.
Buck '05
Edited on 2/2/2005 9:16 PM