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Author Topic: I think my team has the STATE RECORD for North Carolina  (Read 1153 times)

Ric Clint

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I think my team has the STATE RECORD for North Carolina
« on: September 29, 2003, 09:04:50 AM »
Hey, I've got a question:

I'm from North Carolina and on my Wednesday Night League which is a 3-Man Team league, we shot 2227 SCRATCH for the 3 game set, and in the 2nd game we shot 820 SCRATCH... and somebody said this may be the North Carolina STATE RECORD for both the 3-game set of 2227, and the 820 game!

So I was just wanting to see if anybody knows how I can find out for sure or if anybody could check the record books and confirm this so that we would know for sure?

Here's what we shot each game:

1st: 705
2nd: 820
3rd: 702

3 Game Total: 2227

I shot 758, the second guy shot 760, and the third guy shot 709.

Well, I went onto the website and e-mailed Mark Miller who is suppose to be "in the know" about these kind of things, and here's EXACTLY what he said:

"Thanks for your e-mail to Bowling Headquarters. Congratulations on some great shooting. Unfortunately, we are not able to tell you if these break any North Carolina records as we do not keep state records for three-player teams. We only have state records for five-player teams and individuals. Our top 30 all-time three-player series records go down to 2,330 and our all-time game records go down to 855. There are no listings for North Carolina among these. We have no way of knowing what, if any scores, may be between these and what your team shot.

You may want to check with the bowling officials in your state to learn if any official state records are kept. Sorry we can't be of more help. Again, great shooting. Thanks again for your inquiry.

Mark Miller
Bowling Headquarters Communications"

Does anybody know of a way that I can find out for sure??? Is there a website or e-mail address to somebody that I could get in contact with to find out?

I remember a while back that Mumzie and her doubles partner set there state record when both of them shot 299 in the same game... so Mumzie, where did you check to find out if this was the record or not???

ALSO, if you read Marks Miller's reply to me, he say's, "Our top 30 all-time three-player series records go down to 2,330 and our all-time game records go down to 855. There are no listings for North Carolina among these."...

...So does that mean that out of all the scores that have been shot that they actually KNOW about, that there's no score recorded down for anything from North Carolina... so that means that we are the first to have anything recorded from North Carolina and that that might be basically his way of telling me, that YES, we do have the record for the "2227 SCRATCH 3-Man Team/3-Game Set" and the "820 SCRATCH 3-Man Team/Single-Game Score"???


Edited on 9/30/2003 0:17 AM


Magic Carpet

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Re: I think my team has the STATE RECORD for North Carolina
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2003, 12:46:39 AM »
Great bowling Ric.
Did you shoot that at Buffalo Lanes ?
Ron Clifton

Ric Clint

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Re: I think my team has the STATE RECORD for North Carolina
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2003, 01:09:43 AM »
No, it was at Autumn Lanes.

ALSO, in the "820" game which was also the 2nd game, I shot 297, the second guy shot 290, and the thrid guy shot 233. So 2 of us got an "11 In A Row" plauqe off of the 2nd game. It's pretty cool when I think about it!

God was good to us that night!!!

Edited on 9/30/2003 1:20 AM


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Re: I think my team has the STATE RECORD for North Carolina
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2003, 10:39:38 AM »
When I went to the State Tourney in Gastonia this year, we were given a booklet that lists the NC Bowling Records.  If I can find a copy of that booklet, I'll let you know what I find.  I know that the doubles record is partially held by a friend/former teammate of mine Butch Zdelar who shot 300 to his partner's 279 for a 579 combined for one game.

I'll see what I can find.

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