Well since Fall/Spring league is back, that means I'm back - whether you like it or not hehe. Anyways, I plan to bowl a couple of 300's this season. I am now bowling assistance free: no tricks, no gloves, just my hand in the ball is all.
Last week I bowled 625 with a poor 189 the last game. Anyways, I did it with one of Storm's best: Vertigo.
Tell me if there is a similar ball out of any line that I can use to basically overpower the lane (dry as hell synthetics) and run it right up the right side ~18-20 mph. I plan to get it resurfaced if nothing else is good. Keep in mind I am not a noob that wants a ball to hook all over the place because hooking is so cool. I want consistency and I want quality hits (no 10's or other BS).
-Resurface the ball or what new ball?--------------------
Current Arsenal
Brunswick Fury
Columbia 300 EPX T1
Storm X-Factor Vertigo
Hammer Black Widow
Lane #1 Cobalt Bomb Solid
Brunswick Quantum Helix
Brunswick Quantum Double Helix
Storm Recharge
Columbia 300 SuperBeast
Storm Hit Blue Pearl
Brunswick Target Spare Zone
Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
Averages: Fall/Winter Sub 2007 213.000; Fall/Winter Season 2006 206.467; 2006-07 Year 213.067; 2007 Tourney 178.029;
2006-07 League Champions
2007-08 - Currently in 1st Place
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Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001