I've got a goal for the new season, and it's not honor scores, it's not getting my name in the paper, it's not the normal crap all the local guys go crazy about. I'm really out to change the way the city looks at bowling, and I know I'm not gonna get anything accomplished, but I'm gonna ruffle all the feathers I can. People whine and whine constantly whenever the shot isn't absolutely pristine, because it can't possibly be that they're not good . . it's gotta be the lane's fault or the ball's fault or the lane mechanic's fault. Then when they blow a thousand bucks at nationals and shoot 1500 or less for all events they wonder what's going on. All the talent in the world couldn't make it out of this town with any kind of headstart on the game. This girl in town really has talent, and could really go somewhere, but she has to drive way out of town and spend a lot of money to ever see anything tough or different. Everything in town is centered around this stupid top ten tournament, which requires that you have two different leagues at two different houses minimum, and the highest ten composite averages compete every year in a tournament. For no money at all. People plan their years around this thing, they'll load up on leagues at the house they did the best at the year before, because all extra leagues count towards the composite. I'm so sick of the whining and complaining, and the people who actually want to do more than bowl for pride in some podunk city tournament have to spend a lot of time and money to do that, and most of us don't have it laying around. We have no PBA or sport leagues during the winter or summer, the best we can get is one PBA pattern once a week laid down to practice on during the summer. Everybody keeps trying to think of ways to improve things, but their idea of improving things is to change the shot to cater to themselves. They think honor scores on a house shot or a big average impresses somebody. Nobody wants to contribute anything to anybody but themselves, and I'm sick of it. I'm serious about this, and I want bonafide ideas on how exactly I can go about this, and if anybody's been in a situation like this before. Bowling in town is going south, and I want to bring it around. You'd think that for a town with residents like Rick and Bob Benoit, a former resident in Chris Barnes, and the guy that has the only back to back 300's in USBC national tournament history, things would be in better shape. How do you bring about change without pissing the majority of people off?
This is Fluffy. He is the Destroyer of Worlds.