So we should never question the USBC because it's bad for bowling? That's the most nonsensical thing I've ever heard and one of them primary reasons bowling has failed to change with the times. I'm starting to think you've never actually worked in the real world where change is a constant and we always look for better ways of doing things to stay competitive. Dude you seriously should move to a country where freedom of thought is discouraged because you're argument is really disturbing.
If anything you have said was credible it might be different. The decline in bowling memberships is not due to the governing body of the sport. It's been documented, explained, rehashed, rewarmed, discussed, re-discussed, argued, bitched about, etc. for years.
Every single time the national body TRIES anything new, you and your ilk start with the same crap. Just in case you forget, you started out by bitching about something new they were trying called "The Core". We heard the same crap when USBC tried to raise money by selling those training DVD's. And again when they wanted to implement a lane condition inspection program.
It just goes on and on and then you have the nerve to complain they aren't doing anything to prevent the decline in bowling all the while YOU ain't doing squat except pointing fingers and bitching about everything tried.
Grow up, find something else to do besides bowling.