Regardless of whether it's different or not, membership has declined every year for decades so can we all agree whatever is being done isn't working?
So other than just sitting around bitching about it, what's the solution?
USBC hired the NASCAR guy a few years back, people bitched about it.
USBC created a new Coach certification program, people bitched about it.
USBC merged with BPAA, people bitched about it.
USBC have and are trying to help the Men's tour, people bitched about it.
USBC tried to fix some of the issues with lane conditions, people bitched about it.
USBC brought back the Women's tour, people bitch about it.
USBC has tried various methods to improve youth participation, people bitch about it.
USBC tried to raise the yearly dues to increase revenue, people bitch about it.
USBC tried to sell videos to increase revenue and improve bowlers skill, people bitch about it.
USBC is trying to create new levels of membership, people are bitching about it.
It seems to me the part that doesn't work, is SITTING AROUND AND BITCHING ABOUT IT.
So what are YOU doing, other than bitching about it, to improve the situation?