I think the USBC, and many on these threads, very specifically do not think it's the USBC's job to grow membership to which I strongly disagree. If they are trying, it's hidden really well because I see nothing other than "The Sport Of Bowling", PWBA stories, and tournament updates online and on social media which is of little interest to the average member.
The USBC can either listen to their members, even when the feedback isn't pleasant or you can live in a state of denial and paint any comment that doesn't flatter them as "negative" or "uninformed". Any time someone disagrees with the USBC or Chad Murphy on Facebook, their comments are deleted. Each post is prefaced with any comments deemed negative with be removed leading me to believe they don't value anyone's opinion other than their own.
The USBC does seem to be playing the long game for membership growth, but that's exactly what the push for youth bowling, PWBA, and the Olympics are all about. They're trying to raise a new generation of people who respect bowling as a sport that could legitimately be a profession. The very things you keep saying they're focusing on INSTEAD of building membership is their very strategy FOR doing so. What you will not, and should not, see on their page is begging for more people to bowl league.
I would also disagree completely that PWBA stories are of little interest to the average member. I don't know about your area, but I hear people talking about the PWBA all the time since it came back. Not people you might find on here. I mean people who couldn't tell you who Sean Rash is talking about women's professional bowling. They're excited. Any woman with 200+ average starts wondering if they're going to try to bowl the tournament in Sacramento, because they're excited for it. I remember the first year they had to extend the number of entries (maybe twice?) because they were flooded with them. And bowling really needs that kind of buzz.
Lastly, I don't follow a lot of USBC conversations on Facebook since I'm on here already, but I have been following Chad Murphy and the USBC page regarding The Core, and your observations about the way they run their social media do not apply to at least those posts at all. I've actually been impressed with Chad's interaction in the comments section.