Makes me think back to my pool playing day.
I'd look at it, pick my best shot and not think about the next one.
I was a great bank shot maker. Amazed hubby when we met. I'd look at an angle, aim, boom boom in they'd go.
I didn't plan ahead, he'd put English and fancy stuff to make the cue go where he wanted for the next shot.
He could run more balls but I made more weird stuff than him and often won by leaving him garbage shots.
I was very sure of myself with those banks. I wish I had that kind of assurance with my bowlng. I didn't give it much thought, just came natural. Didn't worry about the next shot, simply dealt with what I was left.
Difference in our personalities. Ain't life grand. Be boring if we were all the same.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!