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Author Topic: Ideas for a Good Bowlign Game  (Read 1004 times)


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Ideas for a Good Bowlign Game
« on: February 12, 2004, 10:21:34 AM »
We will call it PBA 2005.... I am comparing this game to PBA 2001 for reference with just some ideas to make a better game overall.. Feel free to post your ideas for an Ideal Bowling Game.

1) More control over what your charcter looks like and details. You should be able to select from a varity of 3,4,5,6,7 step approachs, open or closed palm, how high your back swing is, the release ect... Choose a face, details of the face, hair color, height, weight, accessories (wrist brace type if any, shoes, thumb tape, elbow bands, glasses ect....), and clothing.

2) Much more PBA professionals who actually react and throw similar balls to thier real life counter parts. Mika who walks straight and power charges the ball on the outside, the dead eye accuracy of RWR JR. The power and release of a Robert Smith.

3) Better targeting system, so it is easy to line up your shots instead of blinding aiming at the arrows.

4) Modes including arcade, easy, meduim, difficult and tour.

5) Better camera control, as PBA 2001 gives weird pocket angles, impossible to change, which don't tell you if your ball is reacting early, late, hiting heavy or light, or when it is breaking. Give me a follow ball view, helicpoter view, ect...

6) A fun and creative carrer mode where you start on the low end of the totom pole, sponsered by a ball company of your own creation. You start with a reality low ball choice, with minimal hook and carry. As you win smaller tournments you unlock new discoverys in ball development. Better coverstocks, which will hook better, smoother, block designs with more "carry" or flip. You start with lets say a dull reactive ball with a block that has a rating of "1". Little hook and little carry.

As you progress you get different and more advanced coverstocks, such as hard gripping particles which are clean through the front, and really flippy and powerful pearl resins. Also your weight blocks advance through different types of reaction shapes and carrys. You can name and choose the colors of your balls, with a great logo selection. If you have lets same the "dominator coverstock" which you can rename of course, it would have a rating of 1-10 on various aspects. If you change it to a pearl (which you later win), any ball you select to make it with would then have a milky pearl apperacne on top of the color you selected.

So you can evunatly build a great selection of balls, using brand new techongly that you used by winning the local tournments, to handle the roughest lane conditions. So you control yourself and your ball company. Also make the ball creat screen easy to use with an estimated view of the line of your ball, so that even newbs can creat balls.

Example: you win the best core design in the game which has a hit rating of 10, and a carry rating of 10. Then you select from the 20 diffenet coverstocks you have won, some better then others in certian areas, and some being really good (ie like the activator) and better then the rest. As you do this, you see a print out of the lane and how your ball would hook. Use a grippy particle and you get a nice arc, use the latest pearl resin and watch that arc change to an agressive hockeystick.

7) In simulation (not career mode) win old time favorite balls such as the Blue Hammer, U-Dot, Yellow Dot, Orginal Rhino....

8) More ball selection (though not a crazy amount) with very accurate representations of what the balls really do and look like. Great advertising for ball companys.

9) Be able to carry 5-6 balls to a match instead of 2. In career mode, you must select from the balls you already carry. If your playing simulation agianst a friend, and you choose Patrick Allen, you will have a choice of 5 or so Hammers, or if you choose Pete Weber, you can select from teh Storm balls in the game.

10) Create your own oil patter, bowling alley, ect.....

11) Unlock ledgends of the past such as Earl Anthony.

12) Easier to use approach instead of that hard to repeat triple click thingy.




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Re: Ideas for a Good Bowlign Game
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 01:36:19 AM »
ttt before i go to bed, let me hear some ideas....

matt smith

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Re: Ideas for a Good Bowlign Game
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2004, 06:02:09 AM »
make it for XBOX, and make it XBOX live compatible... ONLINE LEAGUES AND TOURNAMENTS! BOOYAH!

good luck and high scoring
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/


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Re: Ideas for a Good Bowlign Game
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2004, 06:28:29 AM »
My suggestion to all of the ideas listed is that they have the game able to accept downloaded features. Example, all of the ball companies can provide a cd type game disk with all newer equipment that may come out after the game would be released. You can then take the cd and pop it in your Xbox, PS2 or PC, download the new ball to your game allowing you to use it!! Set up your ball and have it react the way you want it to!!

"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....

I consistently SUCK!!"


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Re: Ideas for a Good Bowlign Game
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2004, 09:34:25 AM »
One very important aspect in a video game is that it is fun to play and keep playing.  One of my favorite games is NBA Street Volume 2, and I don't even like basketball!

You have to include some funny animations, commentary and maybe even some mild trash talking.  I would even make a slider bar that would allow you to control the level of seriousness or realism in the game.  That way the goofs and hacks can have a good ole arcade shootout complete with crazy strike dances or sobbing after whiffing a spare and then the guys concerned about realism can get into the fine tuning of adjusting coverstocks, playing oil patterns and ball changes.

Make the game as flexible as possible for the Sim nuts, and then have a part of the game strictly set for goofing off.  Throw in taking a new hack bowler, rolling in tourneys and practice to get better and using earned attribute points to make your guy better and now you have a good video game.
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
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