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Author Topic: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?  (Read 3250 times)

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« on: June 23, 2004, 07:43:02 PM »
Alright, well all i can say is that a bowling game is starting production. I want ideas.. any ideas would be great? ex. features that would be cool, etc. Give me your ideas for the perfect bowling game..

ok well thanks..

This is going to be an online game.
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Edited on 6/24/2004 10:39 AM



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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 10:57:12 AM »
Pro bowlers.

With accurate stats.

And reall balls .

Real lane conditions.

that would make the perfect game every bowler would play.

Or if you didn't have pros you would be able to choose style revs speed that kind of stuff and the lane would change as you bowled that would kick total butt.

Edited on 6/24/2004 10:54 AM

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 11:17:11 AM »
I hear ya there but we would need the PBA to make it with acutal pros, we could make charecters similar to pros who do the same type of things which was one idea. I like the other ideas though.
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2004, 11:17:42 AM »
AND we would need the companies to use the actual balls.. but i am planning on contacting companies.
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2004, 11:20:37 AM »
Here are some qualities that would make for a perfect bowling game:

I would model it after Tiger Woods PGA Tour golf for the PC. You compete in real tournaments against real PBA pros. Include the Tour Trials. Include real equipment and give a selection of standard drilling layouts that the bowler can choose from. Make the lane conditions real and have them change as competition goes on. Of course, this would be difficult, as you'd have to get the okay from several ball companies and PBA players before being able to use their products, names, and likenesses. However, EA Sports has been doing this for years, so it is obvious that it can be done.

Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?


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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2004, 11:40:05 AM »
Oh ya, drilling didn't even think about that great idea but would complicate things alot.

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2004, 11:57:25 AM »
Yeah, it will prob. be very hard to do the things with the pba members and companies but we can mirror those people and things. So example we can have a Storm XXX ball but use a dif. name and have it do the same type of things. Any other ideas?
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2004, 12:01:19 PM »
To be honest, I don't think that the drilling thing would be as tough as it might appear. You could give the player the option of just going with default drillings/reactions, or you could give them the option to customize their equipment. If they choose to customize, simply have a display page that shows the various drilling options and the reactions that go along with them, just like drill sheets do for us now. If manufacturers allow their balls to be used then there should be no reason why they would object to having the drill sheets for each ball put into the game as well. As for the game play, the makers could make the reaction brought about by each drilling the same for each ball, regardless of company and technology of the ball itself. For instance, in general terms, label is going to go long with strong backend, stacks are going to roll a bit earlier with some good pop on the backs, Pin axis will be tame, etc. I don't know how to develop a game, so I admit to ignorance, but it wouldn't seem to be that hard, especiall with how detailed all of the games are these days. I've been wanting EA Sports to put out a PBA Tour game for years. With all of the attention to detail that they are known for, that would be incredible!
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2004, 12:18:23 PM »
it would be, well right now im working with a programmer and a graphics guy and we are still writing up ideas, im also talking to another programmer to get on board, if anyone else is intrested send me a PM. (in programming or other aspects of creating the game)
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose


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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2004, 12:59:22 PM »

1. Conditions changing as the set progresses
2. Luck variables
3. Preasure shot has a chance to introduce errors in the delivery.
4. Design your own ball feature; hi/lo rg, general weight block shape, select from 10 covers, etc.
The engine roared as the front wheel left the pavement. The squirrel screamed in anger. The Valkyrie screamed in ecstasy. I screamed in…well…I just plain screamed.


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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2004, 01:12:23 PM »
- real equipment and shoes
- online tournaments
- creat your own bowler
- there should be a career mode where your bowler will compete and get scouted from bowling companies to get sponsored
- there should also be a youth bowling mode and college bowling.
- real tournaments (pepsi, state, nationals, team usa, etc.)

that's all i can think about now i'll give you more ideas when i think of them


Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2004, 01:20:09 PM »
Yeah, well hopefully the people im working with can do all this because this game will be AMAZING if we can do it well. Thanks for the ideas everyone and keep them coming. If anyone is intrestred in helping please contact me via PM since my e-mail is down right now..
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose


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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2004, 01:42:45 PM »
well heres my 2 cents

1. THE MOST IMPORTANT -PHYSICS.  Get them as close to real as possible.
2. The second most important.  FUN.  If its not fun whats the point of playing it.
3. I personally dont care about the pros names cause i want to be me.
4. Online play is a must. especially with tournaments.
5. I would like to see real balls but if licensing fees make the game unafordable or unprofitable then dont bother. Make similar names without inf ringing on copyrights.
6. Lastly make it affordable

Go Yanks


Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2004, 02:12:42 PM »
The Concept:
A PC game that you can play online. We will run tournaments. Differnt styles, maybe 3 charecters to choose, Cranker, Tweener, Stroker. Then have diff balls like a heavy oil ball that goes long, or mid lane roll. etc. It should be great, It will probably take atleast the whole summer to make and hopefully my guys can do most or all the ideas given to me. Well thanks everyone and if your a programmer or know anyone who would be intrested in helping in any way please send me a PM.

- Nick
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Edited on 6/24/2004 2:09 PM

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2004, 06:24:08 PM »
Well Thanks King.. any other ideas anyone? I got lots of good stuff, if you PMed me i did get it and thanks.
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose