If I really wanted to work on it, I would try to eliminate the big loop in my backswing. I've tried but it feels very awkward, I've told myself it takes time and I know it will. But I am no spring chicken anymore and what would I be making the change for? I have no desire to bowl professionally at the Regional level or even to try the Senior tour (I'll be 48 this Sept). We have no PBAX leagues to compete at a higher level, pretty much all tournaments I can bowl are of the THS type, City and State Tourneys are THS, several out of state ones I can participate in are THS. So, I feel that the loop will be there forever, at lest it's consistent(from years of bowling). By the way I have several 300/800's on THS and booked 230 this 2010/11 season (my highest avg ever).
Pat Patterson