Always your way or it is the wrong way. People who own shares of companies only use the products of those companies. Why? Makes them money. I sure don't know of anyone who owns AT&T stock and yet uses Verizon or someone else. because they trust the brand, know the brand, and can set expectations, that is the brand he/she chooses. When I reach into my bag I want to make sure I can trust a reaction and shape I am going to get. I quite frankly don't trust any company today, so I go around and collect all the old Quantums I can find. Even rolling, well produced bowling balls that still score well today. In fact, I shot 300 in the final game of a tournament this summer with the original Midnight Blue that came out 20 years ago to win the tourney by 7 pins. I have a Forest Green in my bag, and plugged one waiting to go and found a brand new undrilled one as well recently (16# is tough to find for Quantums).
Point is the company is dead. No new balls in over a decade. Brunswick Technology Ventures is no more and never will be again. However, I choose to throw them (Quantums) because that is what fits my game, rather than trying to incorporate pieces from today. Why should I look at other companies when what I have rolls and scores just fine for me still to this day? Just because YOU think everyone should have pieces from different companies does not make your opinion wrong, but neither is mine for only wanting to use a dead brand. Get off your high horse and if someone wants to use 1 company they sure have the right to regardless of the reason, just the same right the person has to have balls from 15 different companies in his/her bags. I want confidence and that is what the Quantum brand does for me.