I have a question to ask the PBA forum of their thoughts regarding this. A tournament series in Orlando offered a Storm contract for the top points finisher. The top 3 spots declined and the 4th person who was on Columbia's staff at the time decided to drop his Columbia contract after 7 months and take the Storm contract. This person has since allowed his friends and associates to bash Columbia even though it was Columbia equipment he used to finish where he did.
Do you feel that this is right and should have Storm allowed the tournament to award a contract for someone that did not finish 1st? This is not a pity party for the losing company, I could care eith way but it is a question of what was done being ethically right by this bowler? Had he fulfilled the terms of his Columbia contract and then sought a Storm contract after as a free agent, I would see no harm or foul. The approach is the issue and I imagine that Storm would not want to be seen this way considering this bowler prior to getting his Columbia contract was Storm faithful but never given the opportunity to be on staff.
We have been there before about working your tail off to get noticed for a staff contract. I am still working and hope my abilities get me to that level.
Let me know your thoughts.
Bob Bowler.