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Author Topic: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...  (Read 1644 times)

Kid Jete

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If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« on: March 23, 2004, 09:32:15 AM »
If you had the chance to become a professional athlete in a sport other than bowling would you?  If this meant quitting bowling and making certain sacrifices would you still?

I have played golf since I could crawl, literally.  I grew up never having alot of competition from anyone my age and at around the age of 16 I didn't have any competition in my area period.  I joined the AJGA my senior year of high school and did fairly well for not really practicing much.  The thing was, I never really practiced much.  I had no drive to become any better.  Even after not winning any AJGA tournaments and going on to play college golf for a year I didn't have the drive to practice and become better yet I was still scoring nearly as well as everyone that was practicing 8 hours a day.  To make a long story short I quit college golf and basically gave up golf for over 2 years.  I still played off and on but nothing that improved me.  This all brings me to the point of this post.

Last spring I started playing and very often, even practiced from time to time.  I entered a tournament towards the end of summer that had some of the best players in our area and even from other states, both pros and amateurs.  It was a one day tournament and with 4 holes left I was 5 under and leading.  A thunderstorm moved in and basically washed the course off the map.  With the horrible luck I have they cancelled the tournament and refunded the entry fee to everyone.  Normally I would have been furious but it was kind of an eye opener for me.  I realized how good I could be and the opportunity I could be throwing away.  Long story short, winter came and I stopped golfing.  I took up bowling for something to do and I really love it too, but I have no intentions of ever competing at any level.  The weather is starting to come around now and I am REALLY looking forward to this golf season.  So much in fact that I am seriously considering working my azz off and see what happens.

I hate to sound cocky or arrogant because that's the last thing I want to do.  I am just confident now, which I have lacked my entire life.  I KNOW I have a technically perfect swing and I know how good I could be if I really worked at it.  I also have an excellent mental game, the only thing I really lacked before was the confidence to hit the shots I needed to in the past.   Again I apologize if I sound like I think I am god's gift to golf, I just know I have a gift that I am wasting right now.

If I decide to become pro and work at my game there are a countless number of things I will have to give up.  Alot of my social life, family, bowling, basketball will be gone.  I am going to finish college because I really want an education as well but other than that my life will be all golf.  So what would you do if you had a similar opportunity?  It seems like a no brainer to most I'm sure and I don't want to be one of could of, should of, would of stories but if this doesn't work out I have the potential of wasting many years of my life.  

I have pretty much already made up my mind to try this and it was always a childhood dream of mine but I would love to hear what all of you would do and what your thoughts are one making these sacrifices.

Thanks a bunch,



C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2004, 12:51:38 AM »
I say go for it. If it can make you life easier in the long run, and your family and friends should understand.....that go for it. If you are good enough do not let your talent go to waste and then next thing you know you are 40 yrs old watching the PGA on TV, going I could have done that, BUT.....

Make sure you have not "BUTS" in your life......

AND, if you go pro, can I have some of your old clubs?

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Kid Jete

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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2004, 12:57:37 AM »
LOL EX, you'll probably end up with some of my clubs eventually anyway.  I'll make you a deal... you keep helping me with my bowling game(I don't have to give it up completely ) and I'll make sure you stay hooked up if I make it on tour.

addik, buy a guitar and get some lessons!  I think that is one of the coolest things to watch someone who is really good with an acoustic.

Edited on 3/24/2004 1:53 AM

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2004, 01:00:57 AM »
I forgot the to go pro move to Florida and take me with you. I will carry your clubs from the car for you.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Kid Jete

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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2004, 01:26:49 AM »
Well okay but when your wife comes after you I had nothing to do with it!

Kid Jete

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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2004, 01:46:10 AM »
Bones, Awesome advice.  The thing is, I go to Firestone every year and watch the NEC.  I'll normally follow the golfers that aren't as popular so I can study their games a little closer and sometimes chat with them.  Time and time again after I see a pro struggle with deciding what shot to play then ending up mis-hitting it I find myself thinking, "He should have hit a low fade, I could have hit that shot with no problem."  Same goes for when I spend time watching them on the range.  Don't get me wrong they are on another level than I am right now but I have yet to see someone hit a shot I don't have in my bag, expect for the occasional 380 yard drive.  I hit the ball long, but not that long lol.  Obviously they are under a huge amount of pressure and it's easy for me to stand there and decide I could have done better, but I guess what I'm saying is I really haven't watched a golfer that put me in awe and made me say, "I'll never be that good I might as well just quit."  Who knows maybe it's over confidence, maybe not.  I'll be finding that out soon enough though I suppose.  And like you said I always have my degree to fall back on.


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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2004, 02:54:29 AM »
Let me offer this and that is, do want you love to do. If playing gold makes you happy do it. If bowling makes you happy, do it. Bottom line is, if you do what you love you will do it better and make yourself happy. Dont look for short cuts or take the easy way out. You will look back sometime and wish you would not have. These words are spoken by someone who wasted his life not persuing his dream and instead found a wonderfull family and wondering what if. Do it your way.
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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2004, 11:53:20 AM »
Go for it.
To me, there is little that is sadder than looking back and asking "what if?"
Give it a shot. If it doesn't work, you can come home, and put that education to good use. If it does work, more power to you.

It's like asking someone you don't know well to do something - it's intimidating unitl you realize that the worst they can say is no.

The worst that can happen is you chase your dream, decide it isn't what you want, and come home.

If you want a story of "if only", I can give you one. I don't REALLY regret decisions I've made along the way, but I do ask myself "what if" occasionally.
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Ernie McCracken

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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2004, 12:17:42 PM »
Go get it.  I'd be a pro baseball player, but you know the whole running thing messes with me!
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Phillip Marlowe

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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2004, 01:06:07 PM »
Do.  Especially in golf.  If you can make it, you'll have a sensational living.  And what could be better as a job?  Nothing.
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Re: If you had the chance to become a professional athlete...
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2004, 01:10:06 PM »
Since you are discussing college, I am not sure if you are very far along or if you are nearly completed with your degree requirements.  It would probably be worth making inquiries of the school about playing for their golf team.  With the talent level it sounds like you possess, it may be a way to get the attention of those that could potentially help further the pursuit of golf after you finished school.

Playing for the school could also be a way to get some of the education paid for by additional scholarships.  There isn't always a lot out there, but every little bit adds up...I recall only parts of those discussions when I contemplated getting a second degree solely so I could play softball for the two years I had left on my eligibility, but there were lots of little $200 and $300 awards that were out there for the athletes, and probably even more for those that weren't working full time and over the age of 30

Like mumzie stated, there will always be the "but what if I had..." questions that will linger if you don't take a stab at it when the chance presents itself...