General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Berreez on January 26, 2009, 03:21:52 AM
I found that out last week. I didn’t know I was one, but now I know it’s true.
Over the past several years I could walk into any bowling center or local tournament and score near my average. I always took pride in that. Granted, I don’t have the big averages that some of you do here but I still average over 200.
Last week I bowled in the Military Bowling Championships in Vegas. While it was an experience I’ll never forget (I’ve never been to Vegas before) this is where I found out just how bad of a bowler I really am.
During my first set, which was the sweeper I averaged 203 and thought I would do okay. Then over the next three days I averaged 188! Anything outside of board nine was out of bounds and I couldn’t make the adjustment. I kept swinging the ball out and it wouldn’t recover (lefty). Since I was the only one on that side I couldn’t open the lanes up like my five right-handed team mates did.
So last night I bowled in my regular Sunday night league and shot: 179, 279, and 242 for a 700. That was two pins better than my last four game set in Vegas. I didn’t even get excited because now I know it is the lanes not me making those high scores. Just goes to show how a person (me) who doesn’t bowl in other centers anymore can get dependant on throwing the ball out in the dry and having the lanes do all the work.
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Have you bowled Nationals before? If so how did you do there? I've bowled in the Hi Roller and done pretty good but Nationals just pathetic.
Nope, never bowled in the Nationals. Was thinking of going but now I don't know if I should. I heard it is going to be held in Kansas in 2012 so I might go there. Closer to where I live.
I know I'm not going to win any big tournaments. I just wanted to bowl my average or above. Like I stated above, I'm relying on the lanes more than what I thought.
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