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Author Topic: I’m a House Bowler!  (Read 715 times)


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I’m a House Bowler!
« on: January 26, 2009, 03:21:52 AM »
I found that out last week. I didn’t know I was one, but now I know it’s true.
Over the past several years I could walk into any bowling center or local tournament and score near my average. I always took pride in that. Granted, I don’t have the big averages that some of you do here but I still average over 200.
Last week I bowled in the Military Bowling Championships in Vegas. While it was an experience I’ll never forget (I’ve never been to Vegas before) this is where I found out just how bad of a bowler I really am.  
During my first set, which was the sweeper I averaged 203 and thought I would do okay.  Then over the next three days I averaged 188! Anything outside of board nine was out of bounds and I couldn’t make the adjustment. I kept swinging the ball out and it wouldn’t recover (lefty). Since I was the only one on that side I couldn’t open the lanes up like my five right-handed team mates did.
So last night I bowled in my regular Sunday night league and shot: 179, 279, and 242 for a 700. That was two pins better than my last four game set in Vegas. I didn’t even get excited because now I know it is the lanes not me making those high scores. Just goes to show how a person (me) who doesn’t bowl in other centers anymore can get dependant on throwing the ball out in the dry and having the lanes do all the work.


BowlSpot Stats:
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)



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Re: I’m a House Bowler!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 11:25:05 AM »
Have you bowled Nationals before?  If so how did you do there?  I've bowled in the Hi Roller and done pretty good but Nationals just pathetic.


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Re: I’m a House Bowler!
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 11:32:51 AM »
Nope, never bowled in the Nationals. Was thinking of going but now I don't know if I should. I heard it is going to be held in Kansas in 2012 so I might go there. Closer to where I live.

I know I'm not going to win any big tournaments. I just wanted to bowl my average or above. Like I stated above, I'm relying on the lanes more than what I thought.

BowlSpot Stats:
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)