elbow tendonitis can be serious trouble. Therefore, no 16s, but you knew that before you asked.
15 seems the ideal for you, but you need, I believe, serious SLOW practice to think about keeping speed under control. Maybe you only need to reduce the height of the backswing?
Again, I come back to the tendonitis.
When does it occur? After how many games with which weight balls?
If the answer to this is a low number with 15 lbs, maybe you need the control that using 14s will allow UNTIL your elbow heals itself.
While medication helps relieve tendonitis, nothing repairs it except rest and reduced stress. NOTHING, as far as I have learned. If you continue with what causes the tendonitis and the pain, it may get so bad it will never heal. I know, I have it. Sacrifice a little bit now, in exchange for a LOT later on.
Best of luck.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Edited on 2/4/2009 10:24 AM