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Author Topic: Imagine this  (Read 1012 times)


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Imagine this
« on: August 19, 2004, 08:16:36 PM »
Anyone remember the women’s PBA tour?  I sure liked to watch them on TV.  I heard the reason they are gone is due to lack of sponsors.

Sure hope the same thing doesn’t happen to the PBA tour.

I was just checking through the PBA site and noticed Bowlersparadise is one of the PBA sponsors.  Noticed another post about people complaining about the service they received from Ballcellar.

My question, why even consider using an unknown website retailer.  I checked out a few websites, didn’t check every ball, but for the most part, there is only a savings of about $5.  My feelings is if $5 means that much to you, maybe you shouldn’t be considering a $150 purchase.  If my $5 means the PBA will continue to be shown on TV that’s a small price to pay.

I know a lot of you youngsters get tired of us old folks talking about the good old days.  Lot of good did happen back then.  

Almost every team was sponsored, companies paid into our prize funds, furnished shirts every year, usually gave discounts to their team.  Some of the better sponsors even recruited bowlers to form a team just for bragging rights against their competitors.

What happened?  Well, it seems like the discount houses came along, people were more interested in saving a few pennies than supporting their sponsors.  Didn’t take long until the sponsors decided there was more effective ways to spend their advertising dollars.

Now when I walk into league night, it is simply appalling, can’t tell who is on any team, don’t really know everyone since most of them are wearing ragged jeans and a t-shirt.  No wonder bowling has such a low image appeal.

Well, it may be just a small step, but this year I’m going to try and break the mold.  My team will at least look like a team.  I figure if I can justify $1000 worth of equipment, we can at least afford our own shirts.  

Just perhaps if enough of us on this site start cleaning ourselves up, we can change bowlings image back again.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

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Re: Imagine this
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2004, 04:40:52 AM »
Excellent post Mike. The last time I remember really having pride in team sports was through my college bowling program. Everyone had team shirts with the school's name on the back, sure some of them had their own individual names but other school's stuck merely with the college name on the back of their collared shirts. Sometimes when I go to state tournaments I will see team's have the same collared shirts, but often times I will see a mix of 5 people wearing t-shirts, jeans, and not really taking pride in looking appropriate for competition.

One year my best friend was able to get sponsors for the 12 team classic league he put together, requiring each team to have collared shirts with their sponsor's name on the back of their shirt. People grumbled about the thought, but didn't mind when the payoff included an extra $5,000 added to the prize fund courtesy of these same sponsors.

Last year in my industrial league only 1 team had team shirts out of the 6. Sad, really sad...



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Re: Imagine this
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2004, 09:26:13 AM »
Sawbones – We solved the not wearing the shirt issue by requiring the bowler not wearing his shirt to buy a round of drinks for the team that night. We are a bunch of tight wad old farts and costing us money is a great motivator.

The only issue we get into is our sponsor wants to use the same shirts forever. We wore the last set of shirts for over 5 years before getting the ones we have now. They are currently over 2 years old.


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Re: Imagine this
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2004, 11:52:12 AM »
I bowled in a travel league that had sponsors.  The league had a rule that anyone not wearing the team shirt paid a $1.00 fine.  It is funny how many women will get upset over having to pay a buck  But then as Pchee was know for saying, they are bowlers and bowlers are cheap.
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Re: Imagine this
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2004, 12:18:29 AM »
Both scratch leagues I bowl in have league shirts. The whole league dresses alike. And yes - we get new shirts every year.
One league has no provision for sponsor's names on the shirts - the other league says that if you want to add them, they go on the sleeve.
Makes for a NICE look!

The only problem is what to do with all those AMF and Bud Light Classic shirts when the year's out!
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