If a shop already has an oven, there's probably no reason to replace it. The Detox is safer and better for the ball all the way around, so I'll argue for it over an oven.
Sometimes it's a benefit, sometimes it's not. We frequently have large tournaments here. If we have the ability to do 16 balls in 8 hours as opposed to 4, all the sudden it's a lot more valuable. We had 4 balls come in for a treatment all at the same time the other night, the boss was able to do them all and give them back by the time the guy was done bowling league as opposed to making him make another trip out the next day to pick them up.
As far as the whole pricing model goes, a lot of prices for certain things are based on or related to time or duration of the service. You have a base price just for the part or service itself, and then as the time involved goes up, so does the price. It's like getting a car part changed. You could have two different parts that cost the same, but one can be replaced in a half hour, and the other takes 2 hours to get to. You're going to be charged a lot more for the part that takes 2 hours to get to because of just the extra labor.
Like some shops charge different prices for different levels of drilling, a recommended pricing structure is dependent on the length of the treatment. 20 minute treatment, 15 bucks, 30 minutes, 20 bucks, 45 minutes 25 bucks, 1 hr 30 bucks . . We're past the base cost of what the service itself costs and into the time involved or the duration.
Gizmo, my question was really based on how often do ovens operate at a normal pro shop. My pro shop isn't running the oven 24/7. So that tells me there is a chance that reducing the time required isn't a "gain". Can you clean 4 balls in the Detox in the amount of time it takes to do 1 ball in an oven? Perhaps, but if you only have one customer come in to clean a ball every 2 hours, is it really a benefit? Yes, the customer may not have to drop off the ball, but is it worth it for shops with ovens to convert to Detox, maybe not.
And your support almost comes off as a commercial. Nothing against you, but I just wonder if there is a real benefit of the Detox over the traditional oven (which a lot of shops already have). If a shop has nothing, then this is a very good option.
Like I said before, you can run the Detox for a half hour, blow the grips out, and go throw it 5 minutes after it comes out. Most oven treatments last around 2 hours, and from what I've heard, the charge is usually 30-35 dollars. In 2 hours, we can do 4 Detox treatments at 20 dollars apiece. It's cheaper, can be done while the customer waits, and is even interesting for them to watch and to tell them about. Then of course it's more profitable for the shop because you can do more treatments in a shorter amount of time.