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Author Topic: Quantity discounts  (Read 3421 times)


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Quantity discounts
« on: April 07, 2007, 03:47:17 AM »
Just curious - if you are purchasing a number of balls, do you think you deserve a quantity discount? Do you think you deserve a break on shipping?


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Re: Quantity discounts
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2007, 09:57:39 AM »
Just to play devils advocate, it does cost $60 to ship 4 15# balls from Florida to California using UPS ground. Most Ebayers use worst case, fixed price shipping quotes and use the differnce for materials and time.

It also depends on how cheap the BIN price is. Is the guy already giving the balls away or charging top dollar?

Well, I figured out the shipping on the UPS website.  It was $44 (actually $43.96) to ship 2 packages weighing a total of 120 pounds (these were 14lb balls - I rounded up to 15 to take the boxes into account).

The BIN prices were not over ridiculous - 1 ball was $30 (of which they have 3 available), and the other is $50 (they have 8 listed).  I inquired about buying all 3 of the $30 balls and 5 of the $50 balls.

That would have put me at $340 in balls and the "reduced" shipping cost would have been $120.  So, $460 for 8 balls really is a decent price - that's $57 per ball.

The only problem I had was the $120 shipping price - I know that I should only look at the total cost, but still.  Plus, the balls are 2nd quality (and older) - I suppose that would be fine for my purposes.  

I'm just looking at getting stuff to practice drilling, trying some different layouts, and playing with coverstocks (bought myself drilling equipment for x-mas and just now getting started).

I guess basically I looked at it this way - the balls are older, they are 2nds, and there really isn't a big demand for them.  They've had these things listed forever.  I also know that they are a distributor.  I'm not planning on reselling them, or even really using them (other than for my personal experimentation).  So, I guess I just figured I could get a better deal, and maybe they would be happy to get them out of their warehouse.

Instead, I found a deal on some balls here, and they will serve the same purpose.  I actually think they will probably be better as I won't have to worry (hopefully) about dealing with any imperfections as short pins, low/high top weights, etc.

For those interested, the balls were Reaction Roll and Reaction Arc - I have a Reaction Arc and cut-away ball of the Arc, so I thought it would be cool to use them.

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