Now I have never owned a dynothane ball, but I must say it is tempting just because of the fact the guy running the show gets out here and answers questions and tells you what is going on. He gets my vote for Bowling Ball Maker of the Year.
This vote is for you Mr. Bowling Ball Maker....Others sit back and watch bowlers agonize of bowling ball selections and what they are suppose to do, not you Mr. Bowling Ball Maker, you go out seeking to meet your public and keep them informed. While other bowling ball makers take lunches, this bowling ball maker, answers the most mundane questions that can be asked just to please his customers. So once again, this vote is for you, Mr. Bowling Ball Maker.
Just Ranting.
Golfing is for sissies..ask Bones...
Edited on 7/9/2003 2:40 PM