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Author Topic: Finger inserts or no??  (Read 3640 times)


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Finger inserts or no??
« on: December 15, 2005, 02:03:57 PM »
Just a thought I was thinking about. Ive used balls that had not finger inserts and was pretty comforable with the feel. Right now I have inserts that wear out rather fast. Usually 3-4 weeks. I also feel this is the cause of my skin splitting at the joints on my bowling hand. Ive used moisturizing cream on my hands which worked some but not as well as i thought. Tried the bowling glove idea, I cant get used to the glove on my hand during my release. I think my inserts are digging into my skin fold at release, if i went to just ball finger holes the edges wouldnt be as sharp as the inserts are overall.

What do you guys think?
Mike Zadler



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Re: Finger inserts or no??
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 10:35:06 PM »
I got rid of inserts for it was tearing my fingers up, the cost of getting new ones all the time and I was always squeezing the ball.

You get fingertip drlled you will have none of this but it does take awhile to get used to. Once you do, you can go from ball to ball and still have the same exact feel buy any decent driller. The trick is not to get it drilled out too big and get the beveling level correct. It may take time to get used to but if you try it with one ball, mabey an old ball you don't use that much and get the fingerholes plugged or drilled and try it or on your next ball get it drilled this way and if you don't like it you can go back to grips.

Tony Banks

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Re: Finger inserts or no??
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2005, 11:25:33 PM »
LOL I'm trying to get into grips. I bought a ball here where the grips weren't glued in so every time I threw the ball, they would stick out as the ball rolled down the lane. Eventually one flew off on my release, so I pulled the other out so I didn't lose them. The edges of the holes after that were quite sharp. Can anyone here give justification for finger grips? Do they supply better control, more consistent release, at least feel more comfortable to some of you? If not, I don't see why I should waste the money to have my balls redrilled for grips? How much does that cost anyway, and how much are replacement grips after the ball is already drilled for them? Thanks!
Look for me in the upcoming PBA Tour! I'll be the guy in the back row with the foam finger singing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" during the 7th inning.


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Re: Finger inserts or no??
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2005, 07:30:09 AM »
I used grips for years, and started having the problems you described.  So I experimented with one ball (a new one) drilled up with no grips.  I found that I can get out of the ball much cleaner now, and am more accurate with my shots since I don't "hang up" like I did with the grips.  Mind you, I didn't notice the "hang up" until I tried using a ball with grips after throwing the one without.  Then I noticed it - big time.  I cannot switch back and forth between grips and no-grips, so I now have everything without grips and am doing much better - especially on the spare shooting.  I have not had any problems dropping the ball, and really, not much loss of revs.  Wish I'd have taken them out years ago, actually.

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Re: Finger inserts or no??
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2005, 01:27:54 PM »
Wear out grips in a few weeks? Am I naive in that I've only changed grips on a ball one time and it was a ball I used almost exclusively for 3 years? I've also never had any skin problems with my fingers, though I've had a littany of thumb problems and do have delicate skin.

I just use standard ovals, not any of those half oval with nubs power grip type stuff. I like the more forgiving feel of rubber than the hard bowling ball surface. Mind you, I'm not a cranker by any means; more of a "tweener".

Is your ball drilled correctly? You should be able to get your fingers in to the first joint comfortably if it's finger tip drilled. Make sure there's not too much forward pitch as well, and that the span isn't too long; I've had some badly drilled balls that hurt my fingers because of these two reasons. In fact, I have 1/8" reverse on my middle finger and 3/8" reverse on my ring now as my "correct" comfortable drilling.

I know my balls are drilled correctly with the right pitches. The release is for the most part very clean. I bowl 6 times a week with only 2 balls I have right now. I have 2 more on the way to complete my aresenal. I also lift out of the ball very hard which wears out the rubber as I use soft finger inserts. Anything hard will tear my fingers up even faster.

As for 9andaWiggle, Thats what I heard with guys who had inserts and went to no inserts. I asked a few pros what they thought about not using inserts. They said basically the same thing you did. Less cost on inserts, more control, accuracy, and better feel.
Mike Zadler


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Re: Finger inserts or no??
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2005, 01:43:24 PM »
You can see signs of wear on rubber inserts after only 10-12 games sometimes, however for the guy that thinks 3-4 weeks is surprising .. i doubt Il_Bowler is wearing the grip right through to the insides of the insert hole in that time.

The abrasiveness of the bowlers skin has a lot to do with it. You'll find the sweaty palm guys, dont wear inserts so quickly or get split skin, nearly as much as the dry rough sandpaper skinned guys.
at - Get a Grip

Im not wearing to the ball just yet but, give me another week.
Mike Zadler