Last Tuesday night (6/17) in my Tulsa Travelers League at AMF Sheridan Lanes, I came real close to shooting my first 800...
269 - 289 - 214 -- 772
At first I was disappointed getting so close yet so far away. My 289 game had a stone 10 pin on the 11th ball, which led to several stone 10s in the third game. But then I discovered many more positives:
1. It's still a helluva series!
2. I beat my previous high series by one (771, 257 triplicate from 1994 youth league)
3. My first clean 30
4. Highest score in the turn (558)
5. Between games 1 & 2, I had 13 strikes in a row for the first time ever.
6. I shot this series the same night my Boston Celtics won their 17th NBA Championship!!!
...and the last but most important positive, my team won all four games!
And all of this without throwing a single practice ball! Stupid me arrived late right when they announced the end of practice. lol
Just thought I'd share my little piece of history with you all. Good luck and good bowling to everyone!
HALLO-O-O-O-O! Test... for... echo... Is anybody out there?
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