I agree that on paper it doesn't look that terribly difficult. Take the printout, lay it over the shot at ABC Reno, and they look a lot alike. And we all know how easy it is to shoot on the ABC shot. :-)
Actually, I agree. The shot does look easy on paper, and I wish I could be there next week to try it. I have to go out of town on business, and cannot be there - I tried. I really, really, tried.
However the WIBC Team event was an extremely difficult shot. I'm sure Michelle would back me up on that... I would take the queens certified sport shot any day, and 30 pins a game over the team shot. I understand that the team house (Thunderbird in Wichita) had some serious issues with the lane beds that contributed to the horror of the shot - and the little old ladies throwing plastic down the middle didn't help either. But it was horrid. I bowled much better at ABC than I did in WIBC team event. And the second day, although we followed the plastic down the middle crowd, and the pair next to us did not, I shot higher than Cathy Dorin-Lizzie, who was on said pair next to us. That made my day!!!
If winning isn't important,
why do they keep score?
Vince Lombardi