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Author Topic: Injury replacement rules question  (Read 6947 times)


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Injury replacement rules question
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:37:21 AM »
Couldn't find anything on about this. We have a team in our league that has replaced not one but two "injured bowlers" so far this season. Its a four man league with three roster subs. One of the "injured" is still bowling leagues at another house, and the bowlers they replaced the "injured" with had much lower averages. We all see it as a way to get more pins and an unfair advantage since nobody else can change rosters (deadline was week 7).

My question is A) what is the USBCs official rule regarding injury replacements, or where can I find it, and B) what action could be taken to call this team out and make things right?

Not to mention their sub used an average that's 11 pins lower than his two year composite on, but that's a different issue.


trash heap

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Re: Injury replacement rules question
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 07:51:52 AM »
With the injured player still bowling in another league, is that a sanction league. If yes, I would suggest getting in touch with USBC directly on this matter.

Here is the rule

Rule 107 – Team Composition

107c. Substitutes and/or Replacements

9. A team must be allowed to add a replacement when its roster is less than the playing strength of the league.

I think the team has found a loop hole, and I think there is no league rule that you can put in place to stop them.

Here it is in commonly asked questions:
May a league adopt a rule stating no new members be allowed for the last few weeksof the season, the position round, a roll-off or for the playoff?

Yes, however, according to Rule 107c, Item 9, a team must be allowed to add players when its roster is less than the playing strength of the league. For example, if the playing strength is five, teams must be allowed to have at least five members if the team has four of fewer players on the roster. A rule limiting additions or replacements to a team after a certain date may not be enforced if the team does not have the full playing strength on the roster. After the playing strength is reached, the league rule should be enforced, and a team is not allowed to add members to the team. This rule does not apply to absent players

« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 07:56:28 AM by trash heap »
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Injury replacement rules question
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2016, 08:43:58 AM »
With the injured player still bowling in another league, is that a sanction league. If yes, I would suggest getting in touch with USBC directly on this matter.

Here is the rule

Rule 107 – Team Composition

107c. Substitutes and/or Replacements

9. A team must be allowed to add a replacement when its roster is less than the playing strength of the league.

I think the team has found a loop hole, and I think there is no league rule that you can put in place to stop them.

Here it is in commonly asked questions:
May a league adopt a rule stating no new members be allowed for the last few weeksof the season, the position round, a roll-off or for the playoff?

Yes, however, according to Rule 107c, Item 9, a team must be allowed to add players when its roster is less than the playing strength of the league. For example, if the playing strength is five, teams must be allowed to have at least five members if the team has four of fewer players on the roster. A rule limiting additions or replacements to a team after a certain date may not be enforced if the team does not have the full playing strength on the roster. After the playing strength is reached, the league rule should be enforced, and a team is not allowed to add members to the team. This rule does not apply to absent players

So basically our league's max is 7 per roster. This team had 6 when they first made a stink about adding a replacement (allegedly one of their subs got shot). So by definition, that addition is allowed. After that, they had 7 on the roster, which is the league max, and another sub got 'injured.' One of their subs' names got dropped from our league sheet entirely (which is odd because he had bowled in the league before) and they replaced him with someone entirely new. I don't know how they got away with that one, because the bowler who was dropped is bowling in another sanctioned league currently.

My league president seemed annoyed because apparently it just happened yesterday and he wasn't aware, so I was wondering what the next course of action would be.

trash heap

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Re: Injury replacement rules question
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2016, 09:12:23 AM »
If they have four or more bowlers on the team, then they are not allowed to replace (If your league has a rule). 

I was thinking they only had 4 members and lost 2, therefore they can replace to get back up to a full team.

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Injury replacement rules question
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2016, 09:23:29 AM »
Nope, it's a four man league with a max of seven on the roster. In December, they had 6 on their roster. Sub A "got shot" and so they added another sub to get to the max of 7. Last night, they removed Sub A from the sheet entirely (despite the fact that he's bowled every week since mid-December in another league, and bowled 6 games in this league) and brought in Sub B, who wasn't previously on the sheet or listed as one of the 7 roster bowlers.

This can't be legal


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Re: Injury replacement rules question
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2016, 08:55:49 AM »
So a quick update. The local USBC manager said to keep the bowler's scores from last week, but the league can remove him from the league because they didn't vote him in. How is he considered eligible to bowl if he wasn't voted in, and is being removed from the league?

This is just a mess and I don't know how to go about fixing the situation because nobody in charge of our league seems to give a damn.