3rd week of the season I tore muscles or tendons in my middle finger so bad I could not put any lift on the ball. I did this on the last ball of practice before league. Stupidly I bowled on it, went to a fluffer release and still shot 570. Hurt like h4ll the whole night. Next week came and rather than set one out I bowled again.. (I did set the other league I bowl in out that week.)
hurt even worse after that week... ME=DUMBAz$ LOL. Anyhow, I finally decided to bowl lefty, and set 2 weeks in a row out on thursdays. The 2nd thursday I had a lefty ball and shoes with me and got a lane to "practice" on. I spent those games in the gutter on either side much of the time. (trying to rev it like I do righty) fast forward 3 weeks and a ton of games practicing, not to mention 2 new lefty drilled balls. I had plans at the beginning of the week of shooting a 500 series. (after 2 weeks averaging 140 in 2 leagues) not too shabby for a beginner, still averaging 4-5 gb a game. anyhow Monday at myy day job thwack pinched my left ring finger and just about tore off the tip of it most of the flesh was hanging there, got first aid at work and patched it up. It hurt too much to bowl tuesday night so I found a sub. Then last night came around and struggled for 2 games 137, and 130, something finally clicked the 3rd game and I opened struck opened and then ran with pocket strikes until the 9th with another open then left a pin in the tenth opened it too.... for a new high league game left handed of 186. not much by todays standards but after only three weeks I am finding it easier and easier to bowl lefthanded. BTW I am a natural lefty to begin with, most everything I do is left handed..I can remember back when I started bowling right handed I was throwing 25 plus games a week and did not see 180 for about a year....I want badly to bowl righthanded and continue the 226 average I had before the finger issues on the right side, but my mind is telling me to keep bowling lefty because we all know the advantages......but after only 3-4 weeks I already have to play deeper than any other lefty in the house.. easily 15-17 at the arrows to get my ball to hold pocket... swinging to 3-8 at my breakpoint.. with an original inferno with a modified richo drill on it. Dunno what to do I want that big average but I also want to be the best lefty in the house now..... and I feel that it is possible by the end of the season, I can already pick the 7 pin up lefty easier than the 10 pin....as a righty.
I still have a few issues with ball fit as a lefty pitch adjustments and such.... while righty was there finally.
dilemas dilemas dilemas..
Ten pin?
?? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck... Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!