As English is not my first language, I'll try to explain the best I can.
Basically as the machine going down the lane, it could be doing one of the following:
1. Stripping the lane using lane cleaner (usually the whole 60ft)
2. Oil the lane using oil aka lane conditioner (forward and/or reserve, distance depending on pattern setting)
3. Stripping and oiling at the same time, very common, cos it saves time.
I have only worked with AMF machine (AMF Magnum Century), but I assume Kegal works the same way.
If you get a chance, have a look at the back (underneath) of the Magnum, you should see the parts responsible for cleaning/stripping the lanes. Imagine you have the Magnum laying on the lane just in front of the foul line, the components for stripping is
nearer the pin-deck.
The components for oiling, obviously, is nearer the foul line.
Now to answer your question,
forward application means lane condictioner is being transferred from the oil tank to the
buffer as the Magnum is travelling down towards the pin-deck. It is the buffer that makes contact with the actual lane surface.
Reverse application means the opposite, i.e. lane conditioner is being transfer from tank to buffer as the Magnum is coming back towards the foul line.
Buffing means that the 'buffer' is rotating and in contact with the lane surface, but
no lane condictioner is being transferred from the oil tank to the buffer.
Where is the LOVE ?Bowl Angry!