or any kind of racial issues. But I'd really like to know from the folks on this forum, don't you think the PBA would be even more...I don't know, marketable or interesting to see a variation of nationalities on the tour. I mean, what would it take for the PBA to become an interantional tour? Like I said this isn't a black or white thing.
Now, i'm black (or African-American which ever makes you feel more comfortable with...) and the only black bowlers that I remember seeing on the tour were Curtis Odom and George Brahnam III. Now, I could be wrong and missed something here, but that's who I remember. I'm here in the DC Metro area and there are a lot of talented black bowlers here, but it's like everyone just feels that regional is the way to go or something.
Now, there are some extremely talented bowlers in the world all around the globe. But what gives? I mean, other the Amletto, what other great Latin or Hispanic bowlers have been successful on the tour? I know the Aussies have a strong group down under, but who's been on the tour? Also, how have those folks from Finland started to make it to the tour so more than everybody else? No offense or anything, but it seems that after Mika left his mark, we're seeing more Finnish bowlers. (did I spell that right...?)
For example, there's the Japan Cup the first of the year. Do any of you know if any of the Japanese participate in it? Heck, they have the LARGEST bowling center in world, you'd think they'd have somebody in the competition!

I mean a lot of this depends on location and intrest, but our sport is the most participated in the world. So what gives?
What do you think it would take for bowling to reach, let's say, golf status as far as prize money and international prowess? I mean yeah, golf is more expensive than bowling equipment wise, but it's not like bowling can't GET expensive. I don't know, I just feel that if bowling was little more diverse that might help. Just my opinion.
When you've moved up, moved back, adjusted left and right, cupped, flattened out, have thrown everyting in your arsenal, and the pins still don't cooperate, just say, "Aw to HELL with it!", and throw the ball!