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Author Topic: Inserts or no Inserts?  (Read 2406 times)


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Inserts or no Inserts?
« on: October 04, 2008, 10:54:56 AM »
Hey guys, just curious as to how many people don't use inserts in their bowling balls? For some reason inserts leave blisters on my fingers but for thumb slugs there is no difference in feel. By the way I only have one ball with a thumb slug, my Prophecy.
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Re: Inserts or no Inserts?
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2008, 10:01:58 PM »
Since you have a new driller, why don't you try it again?  Take a ball(if you have one)that you don't use anymore, and see what happens.
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Hey that's a great idea! Thanks Xcessive Evil, I will have him insert grips on my Backyard Bully. Can't believe I didn't think of that, I feel dumb.
CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997        

JOHN CANDY:1950-1994

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Re: Inserts or no Inserts?
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2008, 10:12:19 PM »
if you use Contour Power grips, I know where you can get them for 99 cents each plus delivery.

Buddies has Vise grips 10 for $15 plus delivery.

well I use ovals. I bowl 3 leagues a week plus practice and I have a rev rate of between 350 and 400. I can back off if I need to though. I'm gonne start ordering all my grips online because 10 bucks a set is kinda high. maybe 12 depending what house I'm in at the time.

I use grips but I'm thinking about stopping because I tear them up so fast.  If I throw a ball a lot I go through a set every month maybe more..

As far as my knowledge goes, you're either squeezing the living crap out your fingers, or the span is too long. See what I wrote for noturcuzin: the span has to be reduced by width of the grip's gripping depth: 1/8" roughly. It varies with the size of the grip and the brand, probably.

Maybe you just need one of the firmer grips, also. There are different densities.
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Re: Inserts or no Inserts?
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2008, 10:15:45 PM »
I think it's the quads. But i'm definitely open to a change though.. I'm having an older piece drilled with a lil shorter span amd no grips just to see how it feels. If I don't like it i'll scrap it..

if you use Contour Power grips, I know where you can get them for 99 cents each plus delivery.

Buddies has Vise grips 10 for $15 plus delivery.

well I use ovals. I bowl 3 leagues a week plus practice and I have a rev rate of between 350 and 400. I can back off if I need to though. I'm gonne start ordering all my grips online because 10 bucks a set is kinda high. maybe 12 depending what house I'm in at the time.

I use grips but I'm thinking about stopping because I tear them up so fast.  If I throw a ball a lot I go through a set every month maybe more..

As far as my knowledge goes, you're either squeezing the living crap out your fingers, or the span is too long. See what I wrote for noturcuzin: the span has to be reduced by width of the grip's gripping depth: 1/8" roughly. It varies with the size of the grip and the brand, probably.

Maybe you just need one of the firmer grips, also. There are different densities.
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Re: Inserts or no Inserts?
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2008, 11:06:31 PM »
I switched to no-grips about a year ago.

Ironically, my fingers used to get sore after several games, but that was  BEFORE I abandoned the grips. Since then, I no longer have that problem.

With the grips (or inserts, or whatever you call them), the ball would rest on my finger's joint, thus producing discomfort that either was or felt like Arthritis. Without the grips, the ball rests on the pads of my fingers, as it should, and I have zero pain. Even after bowling 18 or more games in a single session.

And I'm more consistent from game to game and frame to frame. Can't tell if my scores are higher, but they are steadier. Less wild fluctuations, as the balls all fit fairly similarly.


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Re: Inserts or no Inserts?
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2008, 11:08:57 PM »
I do not use inserts and I have a little hand in the ball. You can bevel the fingers to make the feel softer, but I like a little sharper to help me not grab the ball. Plus I never have to worry about inserts wearing out and changing the feel.
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Re: Inserts or no Inserts?
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2008, 12:57:13 AM »
I used inserts for the longest time, and never had any issues with them except when bowling 5 or 6 games, and then my fingers would get raw and i'd start to lose skin sometimes.   Well in 2000, i decided to bowl two leagues mon and weds well after a few weeks i started to get on my ring finger at the first knuckle some skin tearing, basically it looked like i cut open my finger on the palm side.    Well it would heal, then tear, heal then tear.  After having this go on for a year it finally went away.   The next yr, it was the same crap, and i ended up having a two week break around Xmas time, so under the advise of my pro shop buddy, i had all the finger holes plugged and re-drilled with no inserts.  

Not only did it help the tearing of my finger, but it made my release alot smoother, i wasnt jerking at the release of the ball.   Plus!!!!  my finger's wouldnt be on fire after 5 or 6 games.  

Well one day, i had a new ball drilled up and my friend who drilled up the ball left the fingers very sharp!  basically like the pro's have it, But I liked it, it did bother my fingers for a bit, but i got usta it.  PLUS it helped me from using the grip of death on the ball lol.

So from that day on, I keep the finger's very sharp.   I also use the Vise grip finger tape too.   But I'll never go back to inserts,,, i mean with just drilled finger tips, you dont have to worry about the inserts wearing out, or replacing them.  

I do use a thumb slug in all of my bowling balls, i like the feel of it, plus since i get sweaty hands alot and use alot of resin, and it keeps my hand from sticking.
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