
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: dougb on January 24, 2009, 03:07:28 PM

Title: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: dougb on January 24, 2009, 03:07:28 PM
Watching the veteran great bowlers on the tour, it seems like many of them prefer to play the outside line, while the newer guys play a deep inside line with higher revs.

For examples of the former, Walter Ray Williams Jr. and Norm Duke come to mind. No doubt about it, these guys tear it up playing the outside. Of course, they can play the inside too, but that's not where they start.

I think about Wes Malott, Chris Barnes, etc. playing the inside line. When the oil gets pushed down from all the guys playing that line WRW and Duke are still kicking butt on the inside playing more straight.

I myself am much more comfortable playing the ten board with medium revs and speed than trying to crank the ball like most newer bowlers seem to prefer.

What do other people think?
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Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: SVstar34 on January 24, 2009, 11:09:52 PM
I'm definitely much more comfortable playing the track, but that gets beat up so fast that i have to move left with a stronger ball or right with more speed... To me, cranking the ball is much more unpredictable, but there will be others who will disagree with me...
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Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: pate08 on January 24, 2009, 11:26:53 PM
I think/know that Barnes is one of the best at playing straight. Wes is also great at playing straight. It's hard to survive out on tour without having the ability to play straight when you need to. I have worked hard at becoming more versatile and being able to play straight. I actually like when I am able to play straighter. I like to consider myself a fairly versatile bowler and I am confident playing any arrow, so it just matters the shot is and if I can find it. I am definitely better at hooking it, but my straight game has come a long long way.

Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: Locke on January 24, 2009, 11:44:55 PM
I think what you are seeing there are the old guys playing the break point game with the young guys. The young guys try to just play to the left of everyone else thinking it will be the way to go. I think what you are seeing is experience. It seems the older the bowler the straighter they play and its not just because of their rev rate. I think it is a natural progression. I look at the lanes by thinking I play what they give me. Some times that means standing in the left gutter and playing over 23 other times that means break at 1. What ever it is, if its scoring I will go to it. There is no sense in fighting the oil. It will always win. Also I think you are mistaking grip it and rip it for inside line. When I see the young bucks standing way left they tend to still be playing out to about 5 or so where the straight players are. Inside would be break point at 15. I don't see that unless everyone is there.
Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it

The Cell Pimp

Edited on 1/25/2009 0:47 AM
Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: notsohotshot on January 24, 2009, 11:50:04 PM
Back before I learned to play an inside line I would run into conditions where I bowled that would flood the track area and I had to learn to bowl a different shot. I also left lots of "funky" leaves bowling up the boards. I had to learn to swing to ball in order to score better. It took quite a while to learn the adjustments but I got to the point where I have to really work to throw it straight. I am working to get that part of my game back so that I can play the lanes the way that is scoring best. Here where I live and bowl it seems that all of the cntrs put out a shot that is just for down and in bowlers. Only about 5% know how to play the lanes any other way.SAD
Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: dizzyfugu on January 25, 2009, 03:21:44 AM
The young guys try to just play to the left of everyone else thinking it will be the way to go. I think what you are seeing is experience. It seems the older the bowler the straighter they play and its not just because of their rev rate. I think it is a natural progression.

Second that, from personal experience. I am not the best player and only 5 years into the game, but I find myself playing much straighter than I did in the beginning, even though my revs and release in general improved and allow much deepr and controlled lines than a couple of years ago.

IMHO, a straighter line allows much more room for error and control. With a straighter path to the break point, I have much more control on how much and where the ball will hook than on a deep line where I have to rely on dry boards or excessive (and hardly to control) revs - what is a big hook gtood for when every second shot is s split, and a strike just sheer luck due to "collateral damage"?

Playing straighter, I find myself with a much more relaxed delivery, a more predictable breakpoint and back end recation as well as much more control over the ball's entry angle. IMHO way to go, at least with a stroker's game like mine, and the success I had with this changed strategy so far in league and tournaments makes me confident about this way of playing.
DizzyFugu (http://"") - Reporting from Germany

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Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: los2003 on January 25, 2009, 06:51:13 AM
I am comfortable playing both. I prefer to start outside and then move deeper as needed.. but I could ball down a couple times and stay out making minor adjustments..
Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: six pack on January 25, 2009, 08:57:01 PM
over the years if it's one thing I've learned is the easier the better.Make it simple and you will go far.
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: Inside vs. outside line
Post by: bowlerdawg on January 25, 2009, 09:26:53 PM
im seeing better carry for the inside players, but running the risk of the spits
whereas the outside guys are always playing with the 10 pin
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